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I've been here for more than two months already. We've been attacking and shutting down Hydra bases ever since my first mission.

I walked into the kitchen and reached to grab my bag of candy. I noticed some of it was missing again.

"What the hell?" I said to myself.

I decided to leave it alone, and wait to catch anyone who's been stealing it. I took the bag and walked into Tony's office to work with him. I got used to his company, and we got along really well.

"What's up Stark"

"Kid" he said looking at the projection of his suit.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm thinking about using nano tech on my suit"

"Cool" I said approaching him.

He snatched my bag of candy and took one. He opened the wrapper and was about to take a bite.

"Wait Tony, I don't think you're gonna like it" I said.

He took a bite, and began chewing the candy. He squinted as he kept chewing the candy.

"I told you. You didn't like it huh?"

"What is this?" He asked disgusted.

"Mexican candy" I said like it's no big deal.

"It's spicy" he said.

"It's has tamarindo (tamarind) Tony, it's not spicy." I said as I took the candy from him.

"Here try this instead" I said as I gave him a Duvalín.

"Is this spicy?" He asked.

"No, this one is sweet" I said rolling my eyes.

A Duvalín is a small creamy candy that comes in a tiny packet and a really tiny spoon. It has chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry. Its like Neapolitan flavored.

Tony grabbed the tiny spoon and tried it. I could see his eyes light up, as he ate it.

"I'm gonna need you to bring me more of these" he said pointing the spoon at me.

I chuckled, and then I heard the door open. It was Bruce.

"Hey Bruce" I said.

"Hi Y/N"

"You want one?" I asked offering the bag so he can take a candy.

"Yeah sure" he said grabbing a mazapán.


"Wait Bruce I'll open it for you"

"Why?" Tony asked.

"This type of candy breaks easily, and it's stressful to open. I don't want him turning into the Hulk because of a candy" I said opening the mazapán.

"Thank you" he said.

I smiled, and I glanced at the projector and noticed Tony had security cameras installed.

"Wait Tony can you check who has been in the kitchen?"

"Yeah why?" He asked reaching for another Duvalín.

"Someone has been stealing my candy, and i want to know who it is"

"Why don't you buy more?" Tony asked.

"Do you know how far is the nearest dulcería (candy store) from the compound Tony?"

"How far?"

"Two hours, now check the security cameras"

Tony swiped on the projector and showed the kitchen from a week ago. The time said 3:00 am. In the screen, you can see Nat drinking water, then went back to her room.

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