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I stared at him in disbelief. He just had a blank expression on his face, staring at me.

"I said... Barnes, what the fuck are you doing here?!"

He sighed. And let go of my wrist.

"First, can you get off of me?" He said.

Oh shit I'm still straddling him.

I got off and stood up. I offered my hand and he took it standing up as well. I gave him his cap and started walking south, like Jorge told me.

Maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away.

I kept on walking, crossing the street and putting on my AirPods. He followed behind me.

"Care to explain why you're wearing this" he said.

I turned to my side to look at him. I eyed him up and down, turned forward and kept on walking. He grabbed my left arm close where my cuts were at.

"Ow ow, careful" I said frustrated.

"What's with the hair?" He asked.

"What's with the stalking?" I said.

"I wasn't stalking"

"Really? Because last time I checked, following someone, and watching every single move they do is literally stalking"

"I don't trust you" he said.

I swear he's getting on my nerves.

"Then why did you follow me?"

"Because Steve-"

"I really doubt Steve told you to follow me"

"I feel like you're putting yourself in danger." He said.

I scoffed. "Since when do you care if I'm in danger?"

He stayed quiet and kept walking next to me. Huh?

"What's with the wig?"

"I can't let anyone know I'm here" I said looking down.


I stayed quiet and kept walking.

"So, do the rest know you came here?" I asked.

"Steve and Sam know"

Im gonna kill them.

"And are you going to tell me the real reason why you're stalking me?" I said.

"I don't trust you, and you seem like trouble"

"So what now? You're gonna act like my babysitter or something?" I said mocking him.

"I'm just trying to figure you out" he said.

What is he talking about?

"What do you mean?"

"I don't trust you because I know nothing about you. Maybe if I followed you-"

"Stalk but continue..." I interrupted.

"I would get to know you better. And you don't get to call me a stalker, because I caught you snooping through my room and reading my files"

"And you couldn't just ask me to go grab a coffee with you or something? You had to follow me into a foreign country and make me paranoid for the whole day just for you to figure me out?"

"I mean it's also your fault" he said.

What the fuck did I do?

"How is you following me, my fault?!"

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now