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Bucky POV

We've been on the jet for 20 minutes already. I sat down and leaned on the wall looking at the roof. I closed my eyes for a moment.

Who was that guy? It seemed like they were talking in Spanish. Why the hell was she speaking Spanish? Out of all the languages, she had to speak the one I don't understand.

I opened my eyes and glanced at her. She fell asleep a while ago, I squinted my eyes in suspicion until I noticed Steve approaching me.

"How you feel Buck?"

"Just a headache" I said looking at the floor.

"You know, she helped me carry you when you were unconscious"

"Couldn't you do it on your own? Did you forget you had super strength or something?" I said smiling.

"No, but she seemed concerned, so I just went with it. Don't tell her I faked it."

"Why would I even tell her anything anyways. She hates me."

"I don't think she does. You just have to get to know her" Steve said glancing at her forming a smile on his face.

"Do you like her?" I asked.

Why did I ask that? Bucky your so dumb.

"Yeah, sure" he said nonchalantly.

Ohh shit he does?! Wait it's none of my concern. I don't like her. She's been a pain in the ass since I met her. She tried to throw me off with the whole 'Tony doesn't like you' comment.

"Listen Bucky, just try to get to know her better. Like I told you before, she's been through a lot, the least you can do is be nice" he said as he stood up and walked towards Sam.

How does Sam make it seem so easy. He talks to her like they've been friends for years, they've known each other for a week. Huh.

The quinjet landed and I stood up grabbing my bag. I noticed Sam trying to wake up Y/L/N, but she doesn't move. Is she dead?

"Come on y/n wake up!" Sam said.

Her arm was still resting on her face. Sam pushed her and she groaned.

"Five more minutes Wilson" she said.

"We're here, you just need to make a few steps to reach your room and lay down"

"Can you carry me" she asked still not looking at us.

Is this bitch for real. She's so dramatic.

I rolled my eyes and gave Sam a glare signaling him that I'll carry her. He moved to the side and I grabbed and carried her over my shoulder.

"Careful bird man" she said.

I grabbed her by her waist so she wouldn't fall. She really thinks Sam is carrying her? Please.

Sam grabbed her bag and we all went inside. We went into the elevator and pressed the button of our floor.

"So how'd it go?" Sam asked.

"It was fine"

"Really? You didn't argue with her? not even once?"

"Nope" I said popping the p at the end.

"Liar" she whispered.

The door opened and Sam gave me her bag. He went into his room and I went towards hers to leave her. As I entered I noticed that most of her room had nothing in it.

Wow, this is nothing like I imagined it. I expected at least some pictures or plants maybe. I mean she's been here a week so that's probably why.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now