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As I stared at the man for a few more seconds, I pulled away from him and dragged Lexi and Mathew out the bar.

"What the hell happened in there?!" Lexi said.

"I let her get to me" I said disappointed.

"Damn it Y/N I told you and you didn't listen!"

"I know I'm sorry Lexi"

As I walked to my car, I said my last goodbye to both of my friends and went straight home. I began to think.

Who the fuck was that guy who pulled me back?
Was he trying to help or something? Huh?

As I arrived home, I saw my living room empty as well as most of my apartment. I went to the bathroom and gave myself a hard look in the mirror.

"You're so fucking dumb Y/N"

Why did I let Melissa get to me? She doesn't know what I've been through. You're so weak. You got all the unwanted attention from the bar and for what?

I sighed as I turned off the lights and went to bed.

I woke up early, I had breakfast until I heard a knock on the door. I hesitated, but I got up and noticed it was Natasha. I opened the door and she just smiled.

"Are you ready?" She said.

"Yeah I just need these three boxes and I'm all set."

"Ok, Steve is busy in the compound so I'll drive you there"

"Ok let's go" I said excited.

As Nat was driving us to the Avengers compound, I got nervous. I started to bite my lip from the anxiety.

"You ok" the red head asked.

"Yeah just nervous" I said.

"Well don't be. Everyone is excited about you coming here, and some just don't care and didn't pay attention in the meeting" she said.

I chuckled at her statement as she was parking outside of the building. The building was huge it was impressive. It's kind of intimidating that there's these enhanced individuals living in there.

"I'm assuming you know most of them?" Nat said.

"Well I know you, Clint, Stark, and Steve, other than that I'm not sure" I said honestly.

"That's ok I'll guide you so we can get you out there as soon as possible"

"Ok Nat" I said smiling.

As we entered the facility I got even more anxious. Will they hate me? Are my shoes untied? Will they seem annoyed meeting me? Why the fuck is Natasha walking so fast brooo!!!!???

We entered what seemed like a common area, which includes a kitchen, a living room, basically like a house... a very big house. Entering the space, Steve was sitting with someone I didn't quite recognize. There was a man standing in the kitchen with a well ironed purple shirt. It's a pretty nice shirt.

"Steve" Nat said.

Steve turned around and quickly stood up to say hi, the other guy didn't even turn. Rude.

"Well I'm gonna introduce the ones that are here to make it easier and not gather everyone yet"

"Ok so Y/N, that is Bruce Banner, and you know Steve already" Nat said.

Nat pointed towards the man with the purple shirt.

"Hello it's nice to meet you, we checked out your file" he said.

"Nice to meet you too, Bruce." I said smiling.

"Ohh right I almost forgot, hey Buck don't be rude and say hi to Y/N" Steve said.

I moved my head to get a better look at the man. As he stood up I noticed his left hand. Whoa that's a metal arm what the fuck?! As he turned around I immediately knew.


He approached us as he just kept looking at me like a dumbass, or maybe he was mirroring me and I looked like one too. The room was quiet with an awkward silence.

"Soooo Y/N, this is Bucky. Bucky Barnes" Steve said smiling.

I just kept staring like I did the first time I saw him at the bar. I was in shock until Nat hit me with her elbow and I quickly replied.

"I'm Y/N Y/L/N, nice to meet you Barnes" I said as I started shaking his hand.

"Is it?" He said.


"Nice to meet me" he questioned.

"Well yeah sure" I said nervously.

He let go of my hand, eyed me up and down, and smirked. What the fuck was that?

As more awkward the room became, Nat grabbed my arm and took me to another part of the facility.

"Come on Y/N, let me show you your room"

She dragged me out of the kitchen and looked at me suspiciously.

"Do you know Barnes?" She said.

"I mean... well yeah, you just introduced me to him" I said.

"I mean before" she said smirking.

"No" I said quickly.

"Mhm sure"

"Wait what? Why are you smiling?" I asked.

"No reason" she finally said as we approached a hallway with some rooms. There weren't many, just two on each side.

There were tags next to each door. I noticed some tags were blank which probably meant they were vacant. And I also noticed some tags with last names such as Wilson and... ugh Barnes.

"Well this is your room" Nat said pointing towards a door with a blank tag.

As I opened the door, the room had most of my stuff organized, which I'm assuming Stark took care of. The room was huge it even had a couch and a nice view. Damn.

"What's all this?!" A male voice said behind us.

"Sam, this is Y/N, she's the agent that will be joining us" Nat said.

"Ok cool," the man said approaching me.

"Sam Wilson, aka falcon" he said.

"Ohh you're the guy with the bird costume, nice" I said.

"Ohh I see how it is" he said in a serious tone.

"Oh my god I'm sorry I didn't mean to offend you, it's because I recog-"

"I'm just messing with you, welcome to the team
Y/N?" He said indicating me to say my last name.


"Right, cool, see you guys later at training " he said while approaching the door to leave.

"Training?" I asked nat.

"Well yeah, we figured you'd start training since you're already settled"

"Ok, let me just change into something more comfortable and I'll be there in a few minutes." I said.

As Nat left, I changed into some leggings, a long sleeve crop top, and some running shoes.

This is gonna get interesting.

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