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A/n: I'm sorry. I took way too long to finish this 😭

I woke up due to someone moving. I rubbed my eye, then realized it was Bucky moving in his sleep. He finally adjusted himself and laid back onto my chest.

As he kept snoring, I chuckled then looked around, noticing all the papers on the floor, the board on my wall. My eyes then caught a specific file on the floor.

My father

I shifted a little, without moving Bucky, then reached my hand to grab the file. I finally reached it and started looking through it.

Illegal weaponry...he needed money... contact with the powerbro- holy shit

I came to the realization, my father knows who the powerbroker truly is. As I was thinking of a plan, Bucky started groaning, then shifted again.

"Bucky" I said.

"Hmm" he groaned.

"Can you move?"

"Five more minutes sweetheart"

"Sweetheart? That's my thing"

"Is it?"

"Yeah" I said.

"Ohh, I'm sorry mi amor (my love)"

"That's also my thing"

He chuckled then slid his hand on my rib cage stroking it gently.

"Buck" I said.


"I figured out a plan for the-"

"Shhh" he said putting the palm of his other hand on my face.

I grabbed his hand, then removed it from my face.

"Come on" I said. "We have to get ready"

"I rather stay like this" He said. "You're a nice pillow"

I rolled my eyes then rolled over, making us fall from the couch, dropping the papers all over the place. I laid on top of him now, and he raised his eyebrow in suspicion.

"Now go get ready" I said standing. "We gotta go"

"Where are we going exactly?" He said chuckling.

"Prison" I said.

I stretched for a moment then walked towards my room. As I was walking to the hallway someone screamed right in back of me making me flinch. I hit them with my elbow. I grabbed their arm and flipped them over, throwing them onto the floor, but I realized it was Sam.

"What the hell?!" Sam said.

"Don't sneak up on me like that" I said. "You scared the shit out of me"

"Did you forget I was here?" He said grabbing his stomach.

"I'm not gonna lie... I did"

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now