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I woke up and noticed neither Steve or Barnes were in the room. I could barely open my eyes, trying to adjust to the light. I checked my phone to see the time. 6:42 am. I stood up and walked towards the bathroom to wash my face. Where are they? They probably went to grab some breakfast or something.

I opened the door still trying to adjust my eyesight following with a yawn. I closed the door approaching the sink. I twisted the faucet, turning on the running water, and splashing it on my face. I reached to grab the towel hanging on the side, but as I reached, there wasn't any. My eyes were still closed due to the water, still trying to reach for any fabric to dry off. Since I couldn't find anything, I grabbed the hem of my shirt lifting it, patting my face with it, leaving my abdomen exposed and part of my bra.

"Ahem" someone cleared their throat.

My eyes snapped open, still having a hold of my shirt.

"Holy shit" was the only thing I could say. shit shit shit, no one was in here when I opened the door! Shit I didn't even turn around an check! What do I do?!

"Jesus! you scared me Barnes!" I added still patting my face with my shirt. Just look at his face, just look at his face, don't look down, don't look down!

And there he was. Barnes was just standing there with a towel around his waist, all soaked smirking like a dumbass.

"Didn't your parents teach you to knock?" He said still smirking.

I accidentally eyed him up and down. Shit he has really nice abs. I kinda want to touch... wait nah bitch shut the fuck up!

"My eyes are up here doll" he added.

"Ok, first, don't call me that. And second, jokes on you my parents didn't raise me" Bitch that's just sad. I really thought I did something. What the hell was that response?!

Barnes was looking down at me constantly. Wait do I have something? I was wondering what he was looking at until I realized I was still holding part of my shirt close to my face. I let go of my shirt and slightly pulled it so I wouldn't be exposed.

"My eyes are up here James" I said mocking his response from before.

"James?" He said scoffing.

"That's your name isn't it?" I said.

"It is but no one calls me that" he said taking a step closer.

"Why not?" I said.

"Everyone calls me Bucky, why don't you?" He slowly takes another step.

"You're not my friend. I call everyone by they're last names" I said. Wait do I? Shit I only call him by his last name! Bruh how did I not realize this?! Y/N you're so dumb.

"No you don't. You call Steve by his first name." He took another step causing me to step back.

"Is that jealousy I sense?" I said smirking. His smirk completely dropped.

"Jealous of who doll?" He said taking another step.

I was already leaning on the door, and he got closer. Damn... he's just making direct eye contact waiting for a response. His eyes are really nice. They're like steel blue. What do I do?? What do I say?!! It's hot in here what the fuck !

"I said not to call me that" I said a little agitated.

"Or else what?" He said leaning closer to my face.

What is he doing? He snapped at me last night, where is all this coming from. Shit he's so close!

He leaned closer, his lips almost touching mine. I could feel his breathing. Bitch what do I do? I don't want to do anything. But his lips seem so soft. I kinda want to... wait stop!

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now