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I squinted my eyes due to the sunlight. I rubbed my eyes looking around, until I noticed I was on top of Bucky. I smiled for a second, and I turned to see the time.

5:20 am.

I groaned shifting slightly off of him laying on my stomach. As I did that, Bucky turned his whole body laying on top of me

"Hmm" I groaned.

He let out a heavy breath, and continued his snoring. I sighed and tried to say something.


No response.

"Bucky" I whispered.

"Hmmm" he groaned.

"Get up"

"No" he said grabbing my hand.

"Listen, I love you..." I said.

"I love you too"

"...But please move"

"No...you're my pillow"

What the fuck is he talking about?

"A pillow?"

"Mhm... a really soft one" he said with his morning voice.

I chuckled as I stroked his hand with my thumb.

"What can I do so you can move?" I said.

"You can do this thing where you lay under me, stay still, and go back to sleep for another hour"

"Bucky but what-"

"Shhhhhh" he said covering my mouth.

"Hmmmm" I said.



"Y/n please" he groaned.

"Mhm" I said.

One hour won't hurt.

I closed my eyes again falling asleep.

I was woken up by snoring. I tried to lift my head, but I can't move, noticing Bucky still on top of me. He was still sleeping.

How the fuck is he still sleeping?!

"Hmmm" I groaned. "Bucky..."

No response.


"Shhhhh" he said covering my mouth again.

"Hmmm" I said licking his hand.

"Licking my hand doesn't bother me, now sleep"

I closed my eyes for a moment until someone knocked on the door.

"Hmmm" I said.

He sighed and took his hand off.

"It's Sam again, do I go or you?" I asked.

"You" he said standing up.

"I have your sweatpants from the other day in my drawer"

"Mhm" he said reaching for them.

I sat up and yawned. I turned around and he threw me his shirt to my face. I looked at him and he was trying to hold his laugh as he put on the sweatpants.

I put on his shirt as I reached for the door.

"Sam I told you so many-" I said opening it. "Steve!"

"Hi" he said.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now