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As we were heading to the club I place Steve, Barnes, and my backpack with our suits on the seat next to me. Before we got out of the car, Steve gave us each pieces in order to communicate and Barnes put on a glove on his left hand.

"Are you guys ready?" Steve asked.

"Yup" I said while adjusting my rings.

"We'll be hidden in the crowd, if it gets too dangerous, we'll intervene" Barnes said looking back at me.

We parked the car and went inside. I was dark and full of people. Steve went the opposite direction from us.

"I thought you said they'd be here because it doesn't draw too much attention Steve" I said through the earpiece.

"Didn't figure many people were gonna show" Steve said.

As I stood for a second Barnes put his hand on my lower back guiding me through the crowd. He turned to me and I looked at him back. He started to move closer to my face.

Is this dumbass trying to kiss me right now?!

"You see that door on your right?" He whispered as his lips were close to my ear. "They'll be there"

I began to walk towards that door but Barnes grabbed my wrist. I turned and he gave me a 'you better not fuck this up' look. I rolled my eyes, and pulled my hand.

There was this lady with a bunch of drinks going towards the same direction I was going. To keep it subtle, I decide to distract her. She was about to open the door until I distracted her.

"Excuse me. Do you know where the restroom is at?" I asked.

She moved the tray of drinks she was holding to her side and pointed towards the opposite direction. When she wasn't looking I opened one of the rings and was able to put the toxins on each glass. I thanked her and pretended to go to the bathroom. I leaned on the wall close to the door I'm supposed to get in for a while until I see the girl walk out.

"I'm going in" I said.

I began to walk towards the door and grabbed a drink from another girl holding a tray. I opened the door and saw most of the agents passed out except for one. He was going to pull out a gun, but I threw a knife at his leg first making him fall. He was screaming in pain. I opened another ring and poured the drug on the drink I was holding. I approached the man and kneeled down. I held his head.

"Drink it, or I'll kill you instead" I said.

I poured him the drink way too fast, that I spilled some over his face.


"Y/L/N do you have the files?" Barnes asked.

I ignored him, and reached for every single man to see if they had them. They did, and had the three of them in my hand. I put them inside my blazer, good thing it had a pocket with a zipper so they wouldn't fall.

This was too easy. Somethings not right. Huh?

I looked around the room and noticed a small Ziploc bag with a logo on it. It had powder inside.


The logo seemed too familiar so I picked it up. I examined it for a few seconds until I realized.

Mierda (shit)

As I turned someone hit me in the gut causing me to fall back. I grabbed my taser about to use it until the person twisted my hand and used it on me. I couldn't see his face, he was using a mask. I screamed in pain. The person stopped then grabbed my arm and dragged me towards the back door. I could barely move, but I grabbed his foot causing him to fall. I stood up reaching him and punching him over and over. I was going to throw another punch but he stopped it and his other hand reached my hair pulling me down, causing him to be on top of me.

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