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"Are you ok?" Nat asked.

"Yeah just kind of nervous" I said fidgeting with the necklace.

We walked through a different entrance, while the rest went through another. We walked up the stairs to locate them, including the target.

"Wait I know this is off topic, but can I ask a question?" I said through the earpiece.

"What is it?" Sam asked.

"Why do you and Bucky walk like that?"

"Like what?" Bucky asked.

"I don't know, when we're at the compound, you guys walk regular. But when we come on missions, y'all puff up your chests and walk making fists with your hands."

"Really y/n?" Steve said.

"You're finally talking to me?"

"I don't puff up my chest" Sam said.

"Ohh god you do. You look stiff" Nat said looking down at him.

"Don't get me started on you Nat. You're such a poser" I said. "You pose when you're fighting"

"At least I don't make faces" she told me.

"I don't make faces" I said offended.

"You do" they all said.

"Wait really?"

"Yup" Sam said. "It's funny if you think about it"

"Why don't we make fun of Steve instead?"

"No. Why me?"

"Steve does this thing where he makes his voice deeper when making a speech" Wanda said.

"He also holds his belt and walks around like that when he's wearing his suit" Sam said.

"Are you guys keeping tabs on me?"

"I mean, kind of because you haven't said a single word to me since our run" I said.

"Wait what?" Wanda asked.

"Yeah, he hasn't said a thing" I told her.

"Can we not talk about it right now?" Steve said.


"Y/n" Bucky said.

"Nah look up and tell me why not"

"I don't think it's the time or the place-"

"Is it because you saw me today?"

"Wait what?" Sam asked.

"Y/n" Bucky said.

"No. Is it because of that Steve?" I asked.

"I don't want to talk about-"

"Ohh really?" I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Y/n" Bucky said. "Drop it"

"No. Steve did it make you uncomfortable or something?"


"Y/n" Bucky said again.

"Guys" Nat said.

"Then why haven't you talked to me?"

"Y/n it's just that-"

"Just what?"

"Y/n" Bucky said.

"Guys" Nat said.

"Guys I think that's enough" Sam said.

"Did you like it or something?"

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