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I woke up in the middle of the night slightly uncomfortable. I stood up and noticed I still had my boots on. I glanced at Barnes and he was asleep laying on his stomach, snoring loudly. He also had his boots on.

Damn how did I sleep through that last time?

He started shifting a lot side to side. I walked towards him, and moved his arm.

"Barnes, take your boots off, you look uncomfortable" I whispered.

Of course he didn't wake up. He's really gonna make me pull up with this shit again?

I rolled my eyes and took off his boots. Dumbass. I took off mine and laid back on the bed. Barnes shifted more and groaned.

He's probably having a nightmare.

I turned to him and used my elbow to sit up a little. I began shaking his arm. Please wake up. "Barnes, you're having a nightmare, wake up"

He groaned again shifting to my side facing me.

Ugh I don't want to do this.

I started brushing his hair with my fingers to calm him down and slightly leaned forward.

"Bucky?" I said. "Bucky"

He let out a soft moan. "Y/n" he whispered.

What the fuck was that?!

"Barnes are you awake?"

"Don't call me that" he said softly.

"Bucky" I said brushing the knots from his brown locks. I pulled his hair by accident because of how tangled it was.

He groaned again. "Y/n"

Is this man having a nightmare or a...

"Bucky are you ok?" I asked.

"Don't pull my hair too hard" he whispered.

This is kind of funny. What do I do? I don't want him to feel embarrassed. Please be dreaming a nightmare please be dreaming a nightmare...

I let go of his hair I was about to turn to the other side, but he pulled me closer to him.

"Stop moving" he said hugging me.


"Y/n..." he said.

"Bucky please..." I said lifting his arm.

"You're such a tease" he said smirking.

"Wait what?"

"Y/n you feel so good" he groaned again.

Holy shit!

I pulled away from him. He tried to grab me again, but I moved back making me hit my head hard with the nightstand and fall from the bed.

"Ow" I whispered.

"Y/n" a voice said. "Y/n"

I opened my eyes adjusting to the light. My head hurts. Why is everything fucking spinning?!

As I finally regained my eyesight I noticed Barnes was looking down at me. I stared at him with a confused expression.

I tried to sit up quickly, but I hit my head with the nightstand again. I swear... one more hit, and I'll break this tiny ass table. I groaned and put the palm of my hand on my forehead.

"Careful" he said helping me sit up. He grabbed my hands and pulled me upwards, making me stand up.

Ohh no.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now