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A/n: I decided to update a day before. Enjoy guys 🥰

I waited for Bucky to get out so we can leave. I put on my black leather jacket, and put on my backpack.

It's gonna be so awkward in the car. Just ignore him it'll be fine. It's only 16 hours, it's fine.

I was interrupted from my thoughts as Bucky opened the door from the bathroom. I looked at him and stood up.

"Ready?" I asked.

"Yeah" he said holding his clothes.

"Put them in my bag, I know you like that shirt" I said opening the zipper of my bag.

"How do you know i like this shirt?"

It's his red long sleeve Henley.

"You always wear it" I said putting the clothes on the bag.



We left the room and headed towards Jorge's office. I knocked on his door, and he opened it a few seconds later.

"Ya se van? (You're leaving already?)" Jorge said.

"Si. Voy a dejar el troque en Culiacán. Tienes gente ahí no? (Yeah. I'm gonna leave the truck in Culiacán. You have people there right?)"

"Si. Te voy a extrañar. (Yes. I'm gonna miss you)" he said hugging me.

I hugged him back knowing I'm not gonna see him in a while.

"Cuídate wey (take care dude)" I said letting go.

"Cuando no (when do I not)" he said smiling turning towards Barnes. "Cuídala bien gringo (take care of her white boy)"

I rolled my eyes and headed towards the truck.

"Oyes, la Melanie está enojada (hey, Melanie is mad)" I said as I opened the door. Bucky got on the other side.

"Ahora porque? (Why now?)"

"Cree que me diste tu carro (she thinks you gave me your truck)" I said smirking putting my bag in the middle seat.

"Y/n!" He said in a serious tone.

"Cuídate pendejo (take care dumbass)" I said starting the car.

"Tu mas idiota (you more idiot)" he said, as he turned and went back into his office.

I took a deep breath and began driving.

The first 30 minutes was filled with silence, I didn't mind. Sometimes you just need silence. I sighed as I looked at the road.

He'll eventually find out so might as well tell him now.

"Bucky, I'm gonna tell you where we're going. We are going to a cartel." I said. He turned to see me with concern.

"Don't make that face" I said still looking at the road.

"why are we going?"

"To make a deal. So here's the rules. You stay and hide in the car. That's it. You won't follow me inside, you won't stop me, you will stay in the car. Understood?"

"Yeah, but-"

"No buts James. I was supposed to come alone. I don't need you in this. alright?" I said.

"Yes" he said clenching his jaw.

A few minutes passed until he decided to speak.

"Y/n I'm sorry" he said.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now