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I left with Sam and Steve a month ago. I fixed my suit adding long sleeves, a hood and a mask (if y'all need a reference, it's similar to ghost from ant man but in black).

"It looks great" Sam said.


"But why the mask?"

I pulled the hood and the mask so he can see my face.

"Because you know how the veins appeared on my face at some point?"


"Well it happens often, so I rather hide it" I said.

He nodded and Steve walked towards us.

"It looks good"

"Thanks" I said. "Now I don't need to carry the fabric on my bag."

"I mean..." Sam said.


"Isn't it the same thing? I mean... you're carrying the fabric on the suit now"

"Pfftt... really?" I said laughing.

"I'm just saying" he said.

Steve and Sam glanced at each other then at me.

"What" I said.

"Nothing" Sam said smirking.

"Tell me. Stop doing that"

"Doing what?" Steve asked.

"You give each other glances every time you talk to me. Why?"

"It's because you don't usually laugh"

"Ohh" I said. "I don't know"

"You haven't talked about-"

"I really don't want to. I don't care"


"No it's fine... I'm fine" I said shaking my head.

If I ignore it, I'll eventually forget about him.

I sighed and walked away.

It's been 4 months since we left. I was laying on the floor and I looked at Sam and Steve asleep. I tried to stay awake because of the flashbacks and the nightmare of everyone disappearing. I kept looking at the ceiling of the small abandoned house we found.

Everything in the house was small, I don't even think it's considered a house. Its the size of my old room from the compound. We had to sleep on the floor most of the time.

"What are you doing awake?"

I turned to my side and Sam was awake looking at me.

"Can't sleep."

"Stand up"

"What? Why?"

"Let's go for a walk" he said.

"I'm not gonna do that, especially in the middle of the night"

"Fine you left me no choice" he said standing up.

What is he doing?

He grabbed my ankles and dragged me towards the door.

"Sam what are you doing?" I whisper shouted.

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