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The rest of the car ride was dead silent. Neither of us said anything.

I blame Sam for this.

I shook my head slightly at the thought. As I kept driving I noticed the quinjet in a field. We were around Navojoa, Mexico. I picked up the phone and called Jorge.

"Que paso? (What happened)" he said.

"El carro lo dejamos en Navojoa, tienes gente aquí? (We left the car in Navojoa, do you have people here?)"

"No manches son como cuatro horas desde Culiacán! (Seriously, they're like four hours from Culiacán?)"

"Está casi en garita de Sinaloa, hay un campo a un lado. (It's almost at the border of Sinaloa, there's a field on the side)" I said parking the car and grabbing my bag.

"Ok ya van para allá. Cuídate wey. (Ok they're going already. Take care dude)"

"Tu también (you too)" I said and I hung up.

I left the keys on the door. I put on my bag and got out of the car. Barnes followed next to me. The quinjet's back part opened. Sam and Steve were walking towards us.

"What the fuck happened to you guys?" Sam asked.

"Sam language" Steve said.

Language? Again? Pfftt.

"Family reunion" I said putting my hand over my bullet wound.

Steve approached me and grabbed my hand. He looked at the stained shirt, and pulled it up.

"Jesus, buy me dinner first" said sarcastically.

"What happened?" he asked concerned, looking at the gauze bandage stained with blood.

"Ohh my mother shot me" I said. "But it's fine, I took her gun so..." I added a smile.

Both Sam and Steve looked concerned. They turned to Bucky, but he just glanced at me.

"What happened to your eye?" Sam asked trying to hold in a laugh.

"They punched me" he said.


"It was a family member" I said.

"What about you?" Steve asked me.

"They punched me too, several times" I said.

I shouldn't be lying, but I'm so tired and I want to leave already.

"So are we going back to new york or are you going to keep interrogating us?" I asked.

"Let's go" Sam said putting an arm over my shoulders. We walked towards the jet.

"So the whole week he's been getting on your nerves?" Sam asked.

"Sam I'm sorry for hanging up on you yesterday. I was just really was upset"

"I figured." He said with a smirk. "At what exactly?"


"Metal man?"

"Yup" I said turning to look at him.

Sam laughed and both Steve and Bucky approached us.

"What's so funny?" Steve asked with a smirk.

We got in the jet and Sam closed the entrance. I sat down and sighed.

"Nothing really. Just about how Barnes basically made y/n's life impossible this week" Sam said laughing.

I smiled but as I looked at Bucky I noticed he seemed upset.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now