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I sat there in front of Barnes with my arms crossed. He kept fidgeting with his fingers looking down.

"If you don't start talking, I'll tase you again" Nat said.

"Traitor" I said under my breath.

"I heard you" she said.

She sighed turning on the taser.

"What do you want me to say Nat? I have nothing to say to him"

"Ok start with the main question." Sam said standing up. "Are you mad at him?"

"No" I said.

"Liar" Barnes said.

I looked at him and he kept looking at his hands.

"I really don't want to do this" I said.

"Well too bad. You have an assignment so you have to fix this" she said.

I sighed looking at the ceiling avoiding everyone's gaze.

"Look at each other" Nat said. "Or I swear I'll use the taser again"

I rolled my eyes and looked at him, crossing my arms. He looked at me crossing his arms as well. I sighed as I looked into his eyes, and I noticed he had a bruise in one of them.

"What happened to your eye?" I asked.

"Steve" he said. "I'm sorry"

"That's all you have to say?" I said. "Really?"

"Yeah" he sighed.

I shook my head in disbelief, and nat spoke up.

"What's bothering both of you?"

"That she lied." Barnes said.

"About what?" Nat asked.

"She said she kissed Steve, but she didn't. He kissed her"

"Wait what?" Sam asked. "When did this happen?"

I stayed quiet looking at the ceiling.


"Around more than two weeks ago" I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

"And you weren't planning on telling me?"

"I thought it would be better not to say anything"

"And how did you find out Tin man?"

"She told me, when she was drunk"

I looked at Sam and he wanted to laugh.

"Seriously? You find this funny?"

"Sorry, my mind exploded" he said touching his temples. "You kissed Steve?"

"What? No. He kissed me and I pulled away. But I said I kissed him so this dumbass wouldn't do anything" I sighed. "And he still did"

"So you're mad at the fact she lied?" Nat asked.

"Lied? You're mad at the fact that I lied? You're the one who's doing all the lying"

"Wait why?" Sam asked.

"There was someone in his room" I said. "I even talked to her"

They all looked at him in disbelief.

"I didn't do anything with-"

"Bullshit" I said rolling me eyes.

"I'm assuming that bothered you?" Nat asked.

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