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Truth Serum. It's that simple, a substance that makes you say the truth. Sam had left because he had something to do in the city. He asked me if I wanted to go with him, but instead, I'm doing the truth test and use it against Bucky.

Hehe I even put a name for the plan... truth test

Am I nervous? Yes, a lot. Do I know what to ask? No, and I'm also afraid about what he's been lying about.

I prepared some coffee as I kept thinking on what to ask. I looked at the test tubes for a moment and started to overthink even more.

What if I don't do it? I should trust him, but I want to know...

I put away a test tube in my bag that I usually leave hanging close to the door, and hid the other in back of the coffee machine. I walked out of my apartment, then walked towards his door.

Just knock and tell him the truth... then invite him over... it's so simple, but why am I nervous?

I knocked several times and he finally opened the door.

"Hey" I said.

"Aren't you busy?" He asked.

"I'm not actually, Sam just told me to tell you I was"

His eyes seemed to shift and he furrowed his eyebrows.


"He's the one staying in my place"

"So you lied?" He said crossing his arms.

"I didn't, I just didn't say his name and you just assumed it was someone else"

"So what do you need?" He asked.

"I wanted to ask if you wanted coffee" I said.

Do I look convincing, or can he see the guilt right off my face?

"Sure" he said opening his door indicating me to come in.

I stood there like an idiot, not knowing what to do. It's not going how I planned, which made me panic slightly. I glanced inside his apartment, but I noticed there was a blanket and a pillow on the floor next to his couch.

"You sleep on the floor?" I asked.

"What?" He said turning to look at the blanket. "Uhh yeah, usually"


"Are you not coming in?" He asked. "We can sit and talk about it instead of us standing here"

"What? Ohh... No it's because I already made coffee" I said scratching my eyebrow.

"I made coffee too already"


"But I made more" I said.

"I didn't do that much, we could finish mine then go to-"

"No!" I said quickly.

He moved his head back due to my reaction.


Dial it down a little, you're freaking him out... make something up

"Sorry, I uhh- I just think the coffee you make is disgusting" I lied as I bit my lip.


No, it's actually really good, in fact it's way better than the one I make, but I just need to stick with the plan.

"Yes" I said nodding.

He huffed in disbelief then shook his head.

"Alright. Your place then" he said closing his door.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now