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After I went running with Sam and Bucky, we got ready, then went to meet up with Jorge. I caught up with him, he got to meet Sam, and finally talk a regular conversation with Bucky which was nice to be honest. Good thing he learned English.

After breakfast, we got all of our stuff, and put it in my car, since we were going back to Brooklyn today. We both said goodbye to Sam, then Bucky walked out towards my car.

As I was about to go outside, Sam stopped me giving me a phone.

"Bucky almost forgot it" he said.

"Ohh" I said looking at it.

As I looked at the screen, there were several notifications.


I tapped on them, but I needed a password.

What are you doing? Don't go through his phone, he did the same thing to you... but it's still not right, just ask him later

"I'll give it to him" I said. "Bye Sam"

Bucky POV:

I walked towards Y/n's car and waited for her to come out of the house.

I feel like I'm forgetting something...

She walked out with her keys and her bag. She opened the car, and I went inside waiting for her. She finally went inside as well and she sighed.

"All set?" She asked.


"Really? Because you forgot your phone" she said giving it to me.

"Thanks" I said.

I looked at the screen and there were notifications for my mandatory therapy appointment for tomorrow.

"Why so many notifications?" She asked as she started the car.

Make something up... she doesn't know about it...

"I have a date" I said quickly.

Why did I say that?!

"Cool" she said driving off.

Wait what?

"So what are you planning on doing?" She asked.

Why isn't she upset? Or jealous? Not even a reaction?!

"What?" I asked.

"For your date?"

"Ohhh" I said huffing. "I don't know, why?"

Why do I keep on talking?

"No reason, it's just because you brought it up" she said glancing at me with a smile.

Please get jealous...

"Ohh" I said fidgeting my fingers.

"What? Are you nervous or something?" She asked.

Why isn't she jealous?! Get jealous! Wait it isn't even real, she probably knows I'm lying...

"What? No, I'm...fine" I said.

So we're really just friends...

"Don't be, you'll be ok"

Please say some snarky comment you always do...anything....

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