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Two more months passed and I've been having constant nightmares about everyone disappearing. Bucky has been having flashbacks in his sleep, and we usually stay together for the night. The veins in my face vanished, but it's still visible in my arm.

"What are you thinking about?" Bucky asked me.

I laid on his chest as I traced circles with my finger.

"You know when you know somethings gonna happen, but you can't tell anyone about it?"

"Did I do something?" He said smirking.

"No" I shook my head. "I just have this thought that I know it's gonna happen, but even if I try to do something to avoid it, it still happens"

"And what is that thought?"

That we disappear...

"I don't know, but I'm afraid it will happen soon" I said looking at him.

"Don't worry about it" he said placing his hand on my temple. "As long as I'm here, you don't have to worry"

"Pffttt... I love you" I said turning around, kissing him.

He smiled and he grabbed my waist making him straddle his hips. He tried to sit up, but I placed my hand on his chest pushing him back onto his bed. I pinned his arms as I made slight movements with my hips.

Before we can continue, F.R.I.D.A.Y interrupted.

"Everyone, urgent meeting in the conference room"

I sighed and I stopped getting off of him.

"How's your suit going?" He asked.

"I just need to add the sleeves" I said.

"Don't add sleeves" he said.

"I don't know"


"Ok fine, I won't" I said rolling my eyes.

I put on my shoes and went towards the conference room with Bucky.

"Tony we made an arrangement!" Steve said.

I sat next to Bucky grabbing the bridge of my nose as I kept hearing Tony and Steve argue.

"It's not my choice, the accords are happening again. I can't do anything about it!"

"There has to be another way. Secretary Ross can't just automatically make changes into the agenda"

"Yes he can" Nat said.

"What? We had the agreement. As long as we don't cause any damage near the city or foreign borders, we don't need to sign"

"What happens if we don't sign?" I asked.

"Y/n at some point you didn't have to sign" Tony said. "But now that you have your abilities, you're required"

"And what happens if I don't?"

"They'll arrest you"

This is bullshit.

"Wait that's not fair" I said.

"Y/n you worked for the government before, how is this any different" Rhody asked.

"Worked, not controlled" I said.

"Who didn't sign them?" I asked.

"Steve, Wanda, Scott, Sam, Clint, and Barnes, ohh and you too"

I looked around and they were all waiting for me to answer.

"I think it's bullshit" I said. "Everything was fine, why change it all of the sudden?"

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now