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We arrived to Culiacán, after 16 hours. I've been trying to avoid his questioning the whole morning. He kept asking about my dream and why I looked so freaked out.

"Bucky when you have nightmares about hydra, I don't ask about it because it's a personal matter" I said while driving.

"So it was a nightmare?" He asked smirking. "Come on it can be that bad"

I just gave him a death glare.

Please I can't just say that he railed me in this car, that would sound stupid. Or I would say, 'yeah you just rearranged my guts after I had a nightmare in my dream'. That's even more confusing. Pfftt... rearranged my guts. That's funny.

I let out a small laugh due to that thought. He looked at me in suspicion smirking, and I just said a slight 'stop' so I could stop laughing.

I kept driving into the city. I glanced at a few places and some cars were on fire.

What the hell happened?

I kept driving, but I put my cap and the hoodie so people wouldn't see my hair.

"Was it like this before?" Bucky asked.


I knew exactly where I had to drive to. The building had bullets on the wall with paint chirping off. I drove in back of the building where no one can see the car.

I took off the cap and the hoodie and Bucky looked at me.


"Your neck" he said reaching to touch it.

"What's wrong with it?" I said.

"Your wound is getting worse" he said tracing the glowing veins with his finger.

"I'm fine, just stay here and hide" I said opening the door.

"What if you get hurt" he said grabbing my wrist.

"I'll be ok, I've done this before. It'll be quick" I said with a weak smile.

"I can't go with you?"


"But what if they-"

"Bucky I'm serious. Don't follow me." I said grabbing his cheeks with my hand. "Please. This is something I have to fix. They told me to come alone"

I let go and got out of the truck going towards the entrance. I walked within an alley and immediately felt nervous. What will they say? They better not come up with some bullshit excuse.

Two men with guns looked at me and pointed towards me. They approached me pushing me to the floor. As I regained my balance, my knees were on the floor, and my hands were up in the air to show surrender.

"Vengo a ver a Rogelio (I come to see Rogelio)" I said looking up at them.

Both men grabbed my arms and guided me inside. Most of it was empty, there were rooms with large packages which I'm assuming they're drugs. Another room was filled with weapons. They pushed me into a larger room. As I looked around, Rogelio was sitting there and a bunch of men were holding guns surrounding me.

"Rogelio ya sabes a lo que vine (Rogelio you know what I came for)" I finally said.

"Que quieres (what do you want)" he said.

"Rompiste el trato, ya habíamos hablado antes (you broke the deal, we already talked before)"

Looking around the room, I see Richie. He's just staring at me with a serious face.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now