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I walked towards her giving her a tight hug.

"I missed you" I whispered.

"Me too" she whispered back. "How are you?"

"Better" I said.

"How's the Barnes situation?" She asked.


"I don't give a shit about him"

"Hmm" she said.

"I like your hair" I said. "The blonde suits you"

"I like yours too" she said looking at me. "It's box hair dye"

"No fucking way, me too" I said. "Did you cut it on your own as well?"

She nodded and I smiled.

"Ahem" Steve cleared his throat.

I let go of her and looked at Steve and Sam.

"Suit up" he said.

We fought against the Black order, but they escaped. Vision was hurt and we picked up Wanda bringing her into the jet. After that, we went into the compound picking up Bruce and Rhody.

"Where's Tony?" I asked Rhody as we walked into the jet.

"I don't know, he's offline, and I can't locate him" he said.

I sighed and sat down closing my eyes.

We're criminals...

"How are you doing?" Nat asked sitting next to me.

"Never figured I would be running away from the government, and fighting creatures from outer space" I said.

"It'll end soon" she said.

I hope so...

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"Wakanda" she said.

I opened my eyes and made a confused expression.


"Yeah, I figured you should prepare before seeing him"

"I really don't want to" I said.

"I know"

I sighed and closed my eyes again waiting to arrive.

We arrived to Wakanda and I felt anxious. Sam walked towards me and spoke up.

"You ok?" He asked.

"I don't want to see him" I said looking outside.

"But you have to"

"It's been so long. I can't, and he didn't even say goodbye"


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