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After we left the club, we went straight into the storage units, where they found Wilfred Nagel. I walked between Sam and Bucky as we hid in one of the corners of the shipping containers.

I turned to see Sam and he was looking at the thermal camera while Bucky was looking around for any guards.

"There's no heat signatures nearby" he said.

"Really? Because I just saw one person pass by" Bucky said pointing with his thumb.

Sam looked more into the camera and detected several people.

"You're right" Sam said.

I looked at his wrist to see where the people were located but Sam cleared his throat.

"What?" I said.

"You're not letting me see again" he said.

"Shit sorry" I said moving away.

"Don't you think it would be easier if you turn into a bug or something?" Sam asked.

"Hmm why didn't I think of it?" I said. "Maybe because I can't find any?!"

"Found one" Bucky said walking towards us with his hand closed in a fist.

"Wait what is it?" I asked grabbing his arm.

He opened his hand and it was a cockroach.


"That's fucking disgusting" I said.

"It's a bug"

"You're afraid of spiders, but you're ok with cockroaches?" I said crossing my arms.

"Ok, spiders can kill you" he said.

"But they're not as gross as a cockroach" I said looking away. "I can't even look at it"

"Just turn into it" Sam said.

I rolled my eyes and sighed. I cracked my neck and looked at the cockroach.

"Fine" I said turning into the cockroach.


Sam offered his hand and picked me up.

"She was right, they're disgusting" He said looking at Bucky.

I can still hear you

"Y/n can you understand us?" Sam asked slowly.

Why do people talk as if I was stupid? Yes I understand but I can't talk when I'm a fucking cockroach!!

"She can't say anything Sam" Bucky said. "Look at her"

The both turned to look at me trying not to laugh.

You know what?

I turned back into myself falling onto the floor letting out an 'oof'.

"Ok..." I sighed as I laid on the floor. "I can't speak when I turn into a bug or an animal, but I can hear you!"

Bucky grabbed my hand and pulled me up, turning me around, dusting off the dirt on my back.

"Also" I said putting my hands on my waist. "It would be easier if you just tell me where the security cameras are"

"Right..." Sam said looking at his wrist.

Bucky finished dusting off the dirt, and I looked at him.

"Thanks" I said.

"Ok, so you're gonna go straight, make a right, then a left" Sam said showing me his wrist with the screen.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now