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I woke up extremely early today. A few months have passed after Tony's funeral. I got ready, putting on a formal suit and some black heels. I did my hair (whichever hairstyle y'all want), and headed out for food before arriving.

Sushi sounds nice right now...

I got in my car and drove towards the sushi place.

Bucky Pov:

I was eating with Yori and I kept talking to him after he basically arranged me a date with Leah. Someone opened the door and I looked up.


She had a bright smile and her natural hair started to grow, but she kept the dyed ends. I noticed she still had the necklace her mother gave her. She dressed formally with a suit and heels.


She turned to see Leah and she smiled as she playfully sat on a chair.

"You know her" Yori said.

I just shook my head pretending I didn't as I took a bite from my food.

"Well I do" he added. "She's really nice"

"I would say she's more mean and pushy" I said.

"So you do know her?"

I covered my face with my hand and kept looking at my plate.

"Hey Leah, I came here to pick up an order" y/n said.

"Can't you stay right now?" Leah said.

"I would, but I have to go to a memorial, like in 25 minutes"

"Ok but guess what"

"What?" Y/n said leaning her elbows on the table.

"I have a date" Leah whispered.

"Wait for real?" Y/n said excitedly. "Eyyy"

She gave her a handshake pointing finger guns at the end.

"Who?" She asked.

Leah did a signal pointing at me.

"Just remember what I told you. Don't choke and if it gets awkward, play the board game I bought you"

Leah nodded laughed. She grabbed a bag and gave it to y/n.

"When can we hang out?"

"I'm not sure. I'm leaving to San Francisco after the memorial so..."

San Francisco?

"Aww no. Why?"

"Research" she said.

"We'll take care y/n"

"Bye, text me how your date went" she said giving her a kiss on the cheek.

She seems happy...

Y/n opened the door and was about to head out until...


She turned around and her eyes lit up.

"Hey Yori. How are you?"

She walked towards us and leaned on the table.

"Hello y/n" Yori said. "I noticed you, and I wanted to ask you something"

Ohh no

I turned my head the other way so she wouldn't see me.

"Do you want to go on a date?"

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