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We walked out of the building and put our stuff in the back seats. I got in the driver's seat, and him on the passenger's. I grabbed my phone and texted Sam.

Why didn't you tell me Bucky was gonna come to DC?

Because I knew you wouldn't want to come if he did

I would
I'm giving him a ride

You are?



Just tell me when he's coming
I hate when you do that

Do what?

I shook my head and I called him. I got out of the car and closed the door.

"Do what?" He said answering.

"When you don't tell me he's coming as well"

"I don't do that"

"Yes you do. You did it when we got together to fix the wings. And now you did it again."

"Are you on your way?"

"Don't change the subject Wilson"

"Last name basis? Really?"


"Why are you making a big deal out of it?"

"Because I feel clueless. Like you don't tell me anything anymore"

"Ok, if it makes you feel any better, I didn't tell him you were coming either"

It really doesn't make me feel better, he already knew.

"Ok" I sighed. "I'm on my way. Later"

I hung up and got back in the car. I took a deep breath and finally drove off.

Three hours were left to arrive to DC. I kept my eyes on the road without saying a word. I glanced once in a while at him to see if he was ok.

Speak. What? No, he's the one that needs to speak. Y/n you're so dumb. I didn't think this through. Why the fuck did I tell him to come with me? It's so awkward. What if I just crash the car? That's so stupid... he'll die too... dude bye what the fuck are you thinking?!

"How are you?" Bucky asked.

Finally, he spoke up!!

"Since I saw you on Monday, I'm fine" I said.

If Nat or Wanda were here, they would beat the shit out of me for the way I'm acting....Nat would've tased me... I miss it....I mean Nat not the fact that she used to tase me.

He didn't say anything else. He crossed his arms and looked like he was thinking.

What is he thinking? Dude bye, do you think he has conversations in his head like you do? I don't think so, but now that I think about it, it's fucking weird. I know right?!

I shook my head and kept driving.

I'm so tired, Sam straight up told me to go to DC and I said aight, like it was nothing. I'm probably getting fired... bruh. Sam owes me big time.

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