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"Jorge!" I shouted walking towards him along with Bucky and Sam.

"Que chingados te hiciste en el cabello? (What the fuck did you do to your hair?)" he said.

"Y que chingados te pasó a ti? (And What the fuck happened to you?)"

I looked at him and he seemed older. He had a white button down along with black trousers and a blazer. His shoes were also black and he had a golden watch and a chain on his neck.

"Desapareciste? (Did you disappear?)" he asked walking closer.

"Si. Tu no verdad? (Yeah. Not you right?)"

He placed a friendly kiss on both of my cheeks and looked at me.

"No" he said giving me a tight hug.

"Te extrañe (I missed you)" I said. "Te vez bien (you look good)"

"Ya lo se. Tu también (I know. You too)" he said.

"Ahem" Someone said clearing their throat.

I turned around and Sam was waiting for me to introduce him.

"Ohh, Jorge el es Sam (Ohh, Jorge this is Sam)" I said.

"Hi" Sam said.

"You're Captain America? Right?" Jorge asked.

He knows English?!

I turned to look at him in surprise and he smiled at me.

"Aprendí durante estos 7 años (I learned during these 7 years)" he said.

He shook Sam's hand and Sam nodded. Jorge turned to look at Bucky and gave him a hug.

"gringo (white boy)" he said. "How are you?"

Bucky kept looking at him with a blank expression then turned to look at me in confusion.

"Good?" Bucky replied.

I gave him a thumbs up and Jorge approached me.

"Entonces andan o que? (So are y'all together or what?)" Jorge asked as he pointed at me and Bucky.

"Ya no (not anymore)" I said.

"Enserio? (Really?)" he said bringing his arm over my shoulders. "Que paso? (What happened?)"

"No me gusta hablar sobre eso (I don't like talking about it)"

We walked away from them and Jorge stood in front of me.

"Y eso? (Why is that?)" he asked.

"Se fue sin decir nada (he left without saying anything)" I said.

"Y ahora que? (And now What?)"

"Somos amigos (we're friends)"

"Entonces porqué me esta viendo feo? (Then why is he looking at me like that?)"

I turned to look at Bucky and we made eye contact. I quickly shook my head mouthing a 'stop'.

"Celos. Me la aplico con un amigo hace dos días. (Jealousy. He applied that with another friend two days ago)"

"Pfftt" he said laughing.

"De que te ríes? (What are you laughing at?)"

"Ya se como te lo puedes quitar de encima (I know how you can get rid of him)"

"Que? (What?)"

"Para que no te siga insistiendo (so he doesn't keep on insisting)" he said.

"Como? (How?)" I said crossing my arms.

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