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TW: slightly 🌶

We walked back into the store and both of them were just standing there staring at us. I noticed Melanie gave me a death glare, and I gave it back as well.

"Como se llama? (What's his name?)" Amelia asked.

"Bucky" he said.

So he understands everything all of a sudden?!

"Habla español? (Does he speak Spanish?)" Amelia asked.

"No" I said.

"Entonces como pudo contestarnos? (Then how was he able to answer?)" Melanie said.

Barnes leaned towards my ear. "I just picked up on it by listening to you"

He has to be lying. There's no way you can pick up on a language in less that two days.

"Dice que aprendió un poco nomas escuchándome (he said he learned a little by just listening to me)." I said.

"Que lindos, verdad Melanie? (How cute, right Melanie?)" Amelia asked

"Ehh" she said rolling her eyes.

"Bueno pasen y agarren lo que ocupen. (We'll come in and get what you need)" Amelia said smiling.

"Gracias (thank you)" I said. "Barnes follow me" I said grabbing his hand.

We kept roaming around different clothing racks. I picked a black blouse with a long sleeve on the left side, and some black jeans. I noticed Barnes didn't know what to choose. As I was about to approach him, Melanie walked towards him.

"I talk a little bit of english" she said.

"That's good?" Barnes said.

Ok pretend you're looking through the racks. Is this eavesdropping? I don't think so right?

"Why are you with someone like her?"

"What do you mean?"

Oh no.

"She's selfish, and uses people so she can get what she wants."

This fucking bitch.

I looked at them for a second, but Barnes was turning his head to look at me. I turned back to the clothing rack and pretended I was still looking at clothes.

"You know, we were friends. Until she screwed my boyfriend" she said louder so I can hear.

"Jorge nunca fue tu novio (Jorge was never your boyfriend)" I said without looking at them. "Y no es mi culpa que le gustaba (and it wasn't my fault he liked me)"

"Jorge is not the only one, there were more." She said with a smirk looking at Barnes.

I'm about to beat this bitch up.

"Por puta, se tuvo que ir del país (for being a whore, she had to move to a different country)" she added.

"Me moví para no seguir siendo una mediocre como tu (I moved so I wouldn't become a mediocre like you)" I said.

"Por lo menos yo no perdí nada (at least I didn't lose anything)"

"Que dijiste? (what did you say?)" I said glancing at her.

"Pues si es la verdad. Te moviste perdiendo todo no? Tratando de proteger a tu madre que nunca te quiso (well yeah it's the truth. You moved losing everything right? Trying to protect your mother who never wanted you)" she said staring into my eyes.

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