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I went into the kitchen seeing everyone talking to each other. As I stood like a dumbass in the kitchen, Tony Stark approached me.

"You must me Y/N, I'm Tony Stark" he said.

"Yeah I know who you are"

"Mhm everyone does" he said smirking.

Damn he really does have a large ego.

As I went to sit down at the table, Wanda took my hand and pulled me to sit down next to her.

"Are you ok?" She asked.

"I'm fine, but I didn't expect much to happen on my first day" I said sighing.

Everyone started to take their seats and one person was missing. Barnes. After that thought, he walked into the area and looked at me.

"Can I help you?" I said.

"That's my seat" he said in a monotone voice.

"Ohh sorry" I was about to stand up until steve pulled me back down to my seat.

"Just grab another one Buck" Steve said.

Without a word, he got the chair in front of me. Why is he complaining it's the same shit. He probably wanted to sit next to Steve, and now he wants to sit next to Sam. Wait if there were ships between the Avengers, Barnes' and Steve's ship would be called Stucky. Pfftt. I was just looking at my plate smiling like an idiot.

"Y/N!" Tony said.


"I said, how was your first day here?"

"Good" I said nodding.

"Yeah she also got beat up" Sam added.

"Sam" Steve said.

I smiled at what he said until I looked at Barnes and gave him a death glare.

"Was it terminator?" Tony asked.

"Yes" everyone said at the same time. I just stayed quiet.

"Why did no one tell me, I wanted to watch" he said offended.

"I mean, Y/L/N was winning until he punched her" Nat said.

Everyone kept arguing who actually won. Please change the subject. Why isn't he talking. I hope I don't get any assignments with him. It would be really awkward. He doesn't seem like the talking type. Shit he's staring at me. Stare at the ceiling Y/N. Bitch you're so dumb, that would make it way more obvious.

Wanda let out a laugh and I turned to her. She looked at me and pointed a finger to her head. What the fuck does that mean?

"I can read your mind" she whispered.

What? Ok I'm gonna ask a question. What person was I thinking about?

"Barnes" she said boldly.

Everyone turned to her and waited for what she was going to say next. I just stared at her in disbelief because she said it so loud.

"Can you pass me the salt please" she said.

Good save.

Everyone finished and parted ways. I went into my room and decided to read for a while. I left my door opened just in case someone were to call me. Suddenly a robot that had the appearance of a person went through my wall. What the fuck?!

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