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A few days passed. Bucky's wounds healed way faster than mine, which was probably the serum that gave him that advantage.

I got tired of being in bed, and I wanted to distract myself for a while, so I decided to bake.

I walked towards the kitchen and took out everything I needed. I washed my hands and started mixing the ingredients.

"What are you doing?" Bucky said walking in.

"Baking" I said mixing the ingredients.


"Because it distracts me, besides I got tired of being in bed"

I made the dough and spread it around the counter, adding cinnamon all over it. I rolled up the dough and cut it into pieces.

"What are you making?" He asked. "Cinnamon rolls?"

"Mhm" I said. "I was going to make some before you and Sam kidnapped me"

"Ok... I think kidnapping is a little dramatic" he said.

I put the rolls on the oven, turned on the coffee machine, and grabbed a rag giving it to him.

"What?" He said.

"This isn't the 40s sir, help me clean up" I said giving him the rag on his chest.

"Aren't I the guest?"

"The guest who happens to basically move in" I said. "Now clean"

"Mean and pushy as always" he said standing up.

"You want to eat right?"


"So help me clean sweetheart"

He huffed and began cleaning the counter as I washed the bowls I used.

"You made a mess" he said.

"Awww too bad" I said finishing off the dishes.

"Baking" he said. "Out of everything you could've chosen, why baking?"

"I tried different things. Painting, embroidery, knitting, dancing, sewing..."

"Did I just hear you say dancing?" He said smirking.

"I know what you're thinking, it's not like in the 40s" I said. "Where you went into a pub, met a beautiful dame, and took her out dancing"

He looked at me in surprise as he cleaned the counter.

"How do you know we said dame?"

"There's plenty of movies Bucky" I said. "Or y'all would call them broad. Am I wrong?"

He chuckled and looked at me.

"It's crazy because that's exactly what I did back then" he said leaning his elbows on the counter.

"Bucky were you a dreamboat?" I asked squinting my eyes.

"Ohh you're using more slang?" He said laughing. "And I was"

I rolled my eyes smiling.

"So you approached a dame each time you went to a pub and took her dancing?" I asked.

"I always did" he said. "And I always thought I would fall for one of them"

"And what happened?"

"I did..." he said.


I furrowed my brows in confusion and looked down in disappointment.

"...but she likes picking fights in bars instead of dancing" he continued.

Unapproachable - (Bucky x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now