Joker watches Harley scenes

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Yes I'm writing a Bday oneshot but I am sick and I don't feel like writing:) I am a lot better than a few days ago it'll probably only last a little bit longer so I've had this one finished for awhile I was gonna post it after Bday one but oh well

TRIGGER WARNING mentions of r*pe if that's something you can't handle or don't want to read it's okay:)

word count: 1100

Joker was in his office like usual working on a plan to rob one of Gotham's banks when his door swung open.


"I am a writer who wants you to see Harley when she was in the squad"

"what the fuck"


the laptop screen in front of Joker light up, the black replaced by Harley in a small cage inside of other cages. she was hanging by her legs from what Joker assumed was a blanket or bed sheet tied to the top of the cage. she played with her long hair, lifting herself to hold her right leg then laying back gracefully

"so that's how she entertained herself" J thought out loud to himself. he always wondered how she didn't die of boredom in a cage by herself. he lived with her and he knew she had a VERY short attention span and couldn't for the life of her just sit with nothing to do.

many guards entered the screen, someone opening the door for them making Joker tense up.

one guard got way too close for his liking. J  let out a loud growl when he realised who it was.

'get the fuck away from her' was all he could think.

"You gonna come down from there or what," Griggs asked. Harley giggled as she swung down.

Joker watched in anger, his jaw clenched as Harley walked towards Griggs, holding onto the bar of the cage. "You know the rules hotness you gotta keep off these bars" J's breath got heavy when he heard how this sad excuse of a man referred to his queen. 

"what these bars?." "yeah those bars."

he growled once again when she licked the bar. "oh my god."  Harley laughed But J could tell it was fake and forced. "you are really in bad shape upstairs lady."  "gonna come in here and tell me off or are you too scared." "come on I'm bored...I'm bored play with me." she pouted "You put five of my guards in the hospital, honey no ones gonna play with you".

Joker smirked when Griggs said she put five guards in the hospital  "that's my girl" he muttered proudly but that smirk left when he called her honey 'only I can call her honey'.

"you sleep on the ground" J rolled his eyes "Well where else is she supposed to sleep I don't see a bed!" he was always pissed about the fact they didn't give her a bed, hell even at Arkham they gave her a bed, a shitty one but it was still a bed.  "I sleep where I want, when I want, with who I want."

"alpha one hit her"  Harley was thrown back onto the floor.

the scene changed to her on the floor backed up against the wall, shirtless, surrounded by numerous men. J knew it was one of the moments she was raped. "come on man you're 6ft'4 she's a tiny little girl".

Joker went into full rage letting out long, loud, possessive growls watching Harley laugh uncontrollably clearly drugged, he could see the pain in her eyes. all he wanted to do was jump through the screen and cradle her in his arms, tell her that her daddy's got her and that it's all going to be okay.

The scene switched again to Harley strapped to a chair Griggs beside her a woman the other

"you got a choice tonight, what we got here, we got chocolate, strawberry, or vanilla." 

"my job is to keep you alive until you die you understand that" Joker's breathing got heavier and heavier as he continued to watch his queen get tortured.

He watched her get force-fed as she was sobbing.

J wished he could replace her with him she didn't deserve any of that. any of the pain these guards gave her.

"Spring break!" Griggs exclaimed recording with his phone.

it changed again to Harley running up to the bars of her cell hitting her head making her pass out on the hard stone floor.

"whoo, that is just a whole lot of pretty and a whole lot of crazy".

Joker's hands were both in tight fists, his jaw was clenched, his eyes displaying pure anger.

he wanted to give those guards the torture they gave her. they were all dead but J still felt like that.

at the same time, he wanted to hold Harley onto his lap, keeping her close, trying to wash away all the pain she went through.

in a white flash, Joker was back in his office. once he realised where he was he called out for Harley. "Baby girl, come here!"  less than half a minute later Harley entered his office, closing the door, locking it behind her. "are you okay Puddin ya don't sound very happy?" she asked wrapping her arms around his neck "come sit on daddy's lap baby" J sat down on the small couch in his office. she followed hopping onto his lap. "I'm sorry you had to go through all of that honey" "Mistah J what do ya mean?" J sighed "at belle reve, you didn't deserve any of that" he kissed the top of her head "It's all my fault...if I had just saved you from the car none of that would have happened" he sobbed into her neck, holding her tightly.  Harley let out a small quiet gasp "shhh shhh puddin it's okay"  she comforted him turning so that her legs were across him, wrapping her arms around his neck "No baby, it's not. it would have been so fucking simple! just grab you and go!". Harley sighed sadly. "think of it this way, if you came back for me there would have been a chance you got caught too, if you got caught we would still be there and all those things would still be happening to me" she reasoned lightly massaging the top of J's head  "that was what I thought but I didn't know it would end up with my baby being tortured".

"well I'm safe now, I'm safe with you and that's all that matters." she smiled "Yeah, yeah you are" he smiled back

I was originally going to do multiple scenes but this oneshots long enough so I'll do more in the future with different scenes:)

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