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•when Harley was in belle reve, Joker would put a pillow that had a similar weight to Harley's head on his chest when he slept because he found it hard to sleep without her head on his chest.

•Harley loves her the top of her head being pet and scratched, when she comes and cuddles with J and he doesn't do it she'll grab one of his hands and put it on her head until he asks her if she wants her head to be scratched "what baby? You want head scratchies"

• J makes Harley hold his hand while they're out because if not she ends up getting distracted and runs off when he's not looking and he has to run around to find her.

•Harley always asks if she can lay her head on J's lap in the car even though the answer is always no and she'll pout and whine until they get home and she can do it.

•Joker's weakness is Harley's puppy dog eyes, she knows this and uses it to her advantage to convince him things, like coming to bed early so she gets cuddles or carrying her because she got tired of walking around in heels and it's making her feet sore.

•Harley has a habit of forgetting to drink water and J made it his job to make sure she drinks at least 3 cups a day even when he's away.

•J and Harley's moods basically mirror each other. Joker gets stressed, Harley gets stressed, Harley's happy, Joker's Happy. Joker's sad, Harley's sad etc.

Bit shorter than my other headcannons but I'm working on some oneshots right now  because have a shit ton I want to write, so YOU'RE GETTING FLUFF SOON.

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