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Wordcount: 1,328.

Harley giggled as Joker gently nudged his nose against hers.

Joker had finished up a heist plan much early than expected, so they were having much-deserved cuddles on the couch.

Joker was lying on his back on the couch, his arm wrapped around Harley's back, she was lying on her side, her arm around his torso and her right leg linking around his.

Harley reached up to tap his nose, getting a playful growl in reply. "You're like a tiger, Puddin," She smiled, repeating the action, this time getting a growl and a fake bite attempt.

Joker reached down to Harley's stomach, slipping his hand under her pink shirt and starting to tickle her stomach and ribcage, sending her into a fit of happy giggles and squeals.


Harley squirmed and laughed as Joker's free arm held her in place. "I'm gonna getcha! I'm gonna getcha!" Harley let out laughs as she turned over slightly and playfully kicked her legs in the air, Joker moving over to keep tickling her. "Puddin! Puddin, I'm falling!"

Harley let out a very undramatic screech as she slowly slipped off the couch and onto the floor. "Bitch! You just pulled a fucking Mufasa on me!"

Joker snickered at Harley's exclamation. "Awww, are you alright, Baby?" he asked, a bit of a laugh in his voice as he got off the couch, and got on the floor with her.

Harley smirked, watching as Joker leaned over her, clearly unsuspecting as she pounced up at him, forcing him onto the floor, now leaning over him.

"Well, That was sexy as hell."

Harley slapped his shoulder. "I'm being threatening!"

Joker nodded his head at her. "Yes, Baby, you're very threatening."

Harley's smirk returned itself as she started tickling Joker, right on his "JOKER" tattoo, getting her payback as she listened to his hyena-like laughter.

"Harls—Harls–Let–Let me- Let me—Let me tell you something!" Harley raised her eyebrow, not pausing her tickling. "I—" Joker faked passing out, his eyes closing as his head fell back. "You ain't foolin' anyone, Pud," Harley said, crossing her arms.

Joker opened one eye, looking at Harley. "I'm clearly dead, clearly." Harley shook her head. "I can feel you breathing. you're also talking, which in my experience, is something corpses do not have the ability to do." He huffed as he opened his other eye, managing to get out from under Harley, and quickly standing up. He leaned down to Harley, and successfully, but gently threw her over his shoulder. "Puddin!"

Joker laughed as Harley tried to make a deep, animalistic noise in her throat, sounding like an even more deranged, strangled version of his growl. "Are you trying to growl, Baby?" He asked. "Grrrrr!" Harley said, now sounding more like a cute cartoon lion. Joker smiled as he did his growl in return. "How do you do thatttt?" Harley whined, once again kicking her legs to try to get herself down from his shoulder. "I'll teach you one day, Honey," He answered, gently patting her ass. "Can ya put me down now?" Joker nodded and placed Harley back down on her feet.

Harley smirked once again as she started smacking her hands against his chest, initiating another play fight. "You wanna play, Baby?" Harley nodded, making another attempt at growling, but Joker just saw it as a tiny kitten trying to meow for the first time. "Alright, My little kitten, we'll play," He smiled, giving her a very gentle push.

Even when play fighting he was very gentle with her. he knew his strength and he knew could injure her. Of course, Harley wasn't weak, even he was scared of her sometimes, but he just wanted to play it safe, especially since he would never be able to forgive himself if he hurt her, even on accident.

Harley jumped up at him, pushing him back slightly and stealing a kiss. She squealed as Joker came towards her and grabbed her waist, picking her up again. He started making biting motions on her neck and shoulder, making growling noises. "Eeeh!"

Harley's smile only widened as Joker moved over, letting her back face the back of the couch. "Bye, Puddin!" she giggled, letting herself fall back and basically somersault down the couch. "Oh, Shit." Harley landed on the floor for the second time.

"That is the second time in the last 10 minutes you fell off the couch."

Harley nodded, grabbing one of the pillows from the couch and standing up. "I have a weapon, and I am not afraid to use it!" she said, charging towards Joker with the pillow in her hands.

"Boss, everything okay in here?"

They both turned around to see Frost standing in the doorway to the basement where all of the henchmen were. Joker turned to Harley, holding his hand up. "Ceasefire." Harley seemed to agree but kept her pillow up in the air.

"I heard Mrs Quinn screaming and lots of noises, was just wanting to make sure everything was good."

"Yeah, Yeah. Harley decided to fall off the couch and then pulled an attack on me." "You were tickling me!" "Not true."

Frost nodded awkwardly, slowly going back down to his office.

He occasionally forgot how "domestic" they were with each other. They're so known to be insane, merciless criminals that it was hard to believe they did such couplely things like play fighting and baking together.

Harley smirked as the door closed, giving Joker an evil grin. "Ay! A-" Joker got cut off by Harley smacking him with the pillow. "I got ya, Puddin!!"

Joker chuckled, grabbing a different pillow from the couch. "I'm going to get you, you adorable fucking kitten!" He hit her shoulder with the pillow, and she hit him back, hard enough to make him stumble backwards. "You know you can't hurt your sweet little Harley, Daddy," she said, giving an innocent smile.

She had a fair bit of an advantage to play fighting. even though Joker was much bigger than her, she knew he used minimal strength to avoid giving her actual pain. so that combined with her being lots stronger than she looked, it was typically pretty easy for her to win their wrestles and "Fights."

"You know me too well, Pretty girl," He said, putting his pillow down. He walked closer to her, holding her face in his hand. She nodded, still having an innocent, unblameable look on her face. "How can Daddy hurt his perfect little princess." He leaned in, going in for a kiss, but got pushed down onto the couch before he could make contact with her lips.

Harley put her pillow down, sitting on the couch beside Joker.

She snuggled herself against him, his arm wrapping around her. She suddenly seemed very tired as she looked up at him, but she still maintained the innocent, angel-like expression.

"Daddy, I'm tired. Can you carry me to bed?...."

Joker let out a small, breathy laugh. She knew exactly how to make him unable to say no to her. He lifted her head up by her chin, looking over her bright blue doe eyes, her lower lip that she had ever so sweetly stuck out, and her almost unnoticeably creased eyebrows that topped off the sweet little angel look she used to make him melt.

He gently stroked along her jaw with his thumb, looking as if he was entranced. He was only vaguely aware that he was doing exactly what she wanted him to. She could ask him for anything in the world right now and he would immediately say yes, no ifs or buts about it.


Her bottom lip stuck out more as her eyes seemed to get clearer, looking up at him with pure innocence and adoration.

He gave a deep sigh, feeling as if there was nothing this woman could do to have him even more wrapped around her little finger.

"How could I say no to that sweet face?"

Harley definitely manipulates J like this, I will stand by this headcanon until my death:)


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