Madness Of Birds

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Two Layers Of Diffusion - Ave Air

The way life goes on,

It makes me mad again

The madness we won't hear or even see,

But feel,

Deep inside the way I walk,

The way I write

And words burn,

But always seem better, when they're not written yet

Even though I won't remember again,

The details of the sun on the stairs,

And the cigarettes smoke people flew with

Or the day,

Or the seconds

And the silent stillness of time

Or the madness,

And those verses

All that I was,

And that I can't feel like mine yet

What's maybe already gone,

Because I think about it

And stillness, always moves so fast


Will never last

But we all forget so easily,

What someday used to feel like,


Escaping in the white skies

Behind the close buildings,

Whistling loud above the silent crowd.

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