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(A/n: Fair warning, this is my first. The writing in the the first few chapters isn't the best, but it's only uphill from here until I get around to editing it. I hope you enjoy it :) )


'Hey Tay! Just sitting here with the President of Victoria's Secret. We need one more show stopping artist for the VSF show this year and I thought TAYLOR SWIFT WOULD BE the perfect finale. So do you want to perform at the VSF show? Please Please say yes.
-Lily xx'

That was what was staring Taylor in the face on her phone in the middle of a recording session, and Taylor was kind of hyperventilating to be quite honest.

'Of course yes. Yes yes yes all the way.'

She replied instantly, letting the excitement rush to her head. Lily was one of her closest friends and she couldn't have been more excited to be asked to perform at one of the most prestigious high end fashion shows ever. What more, her friends were gonna be there.
'This is going to be epic.' She thought as she continued to play out her new song for her album.

----VSF Show, New York, Nov 2013----

It was basically mayhem backstage as everyone put on their respective costumes/dresses to walk the runway, designers were running around to help the models and everyone was rushing with the make up and hair. Total chaos surrounded Taylor as she too sat in her chair wearing what was primarily the British flag, getting her last minute touch ups done and getting together her outfit complete with all it's accessories.
"Okay you're good to go. The show starts in 10 minutes so good luck. We know you'll kill it." Her make up artist replied, smiling at her in the mirror before rushing off to help another angel. Taylor looked at herself in the mirror trying to calm her nerves when Lily Aldridge appeared behind her wearing one of the stunning outfits also decked out in the same colours as her.
"You ready to rock the stage, Tay?"
"Yeah! But you look more ready than I am. Wow, Lily. You're probably gonna knock em all out in that." Taylor replied eyeing her friend in the mirror, sporting a big grin. She loved this girl 'cause somehow she had always managed to calm her nerves, even during the rehearsals.
"You don't look too bad yourself. Oh who am I kidding, you look downright gorgeous. Don't worry about it. Come on." Lily said before leading Taylor towards all the models waiting for the show to start which was evidently happening in 5 minutes as the managers with the head phones kept reminding them.
Taylor and Lily walked over to the group of Angels huddled at the front as they were all Lily's best friends and they clearly needed to meet Taylor. Cara Delevigne , clearly the owner of the most famous eyebrows on the planet noticed her at once and jumped into conversation with Taylor while Lily went and talked to Karlie, Behati and Candice.
"We should do something fun onstage. Just to ease all the tension." Taylor said excitedly to Cara as she played with the football given to her.
"How about a hi5?"
"How about a hi5 to the butt after?" Cara suggested with a wink and an eyebrow raise, raising her arm to hi5 Taylor and then proceeding to slap her on the butt just as Taylor did the same to her. "Perfect." Taylor replied grinning back with a wink of her own.
"Are you nervous then?" Cara asked with her heavy British accent.
"Yeah I am, it being the Victorias Secret Fashion Show and all. I just hope I don't fall or come in your way." Taylor stated, giggling a little.
"Trust me, love. That's what every single person in here is thinking. Don't worry about it. Besides, we've done this a million times AND you'll be sharing the stage with one of the coolest bands ever!" Cara said rubbing Taylor's shoulder succeeding a little in calming her down again.
Taylor liked Cara. She was the type that you would get along with immediately just because she was that awesome of a person along with her good looks. Taylor had taken to her the moment they'd met a week ago when all the models showed up for rehearsals and she was one of the only new friends she'd made that she knew would stick with her even after this. Maybe they could hang out often after this. "Definitely." Had been Cara's answer when she'd asked and she couldn't think of why they shouldn't. She was an awesome friend.
"Alright, camera's rolling I've got eyes on Behati." Said one of the crewmen. This meant they were filming and they could see the cameramen walking around shooting all the angels. Taylor took her spot backstage, blowing a Kiss back to Lily and Cara one last time.
As the countdown began, she felt the adrenaline pumping through her again and a little of the nerves coming back to her.
"3,2,1, Go! Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, FALL OUT BOY."
Pete Wentz passed her as they stepped out giving her one last thumbs up and grin.
"You'll do great you know. Relax a little." Came a voice from behind her and Taylor turned to see it belonged to none other than, Karlie Kloss and she was quite star struck for a second as she eyed her for a brief moment from head to toe. She was extremely gorgeous and seemed fitting to be an angel. She had a grin on her face that was refreshing to see since it reminded her of pure sunshine and was a genuine smile rather than what most models did. Her energy seemed to be radiating off of her and Taylor immediately felt infected by it. 'She's the most beautiful person here.' She thought to herself, and that was saying a lot since this is in fact Victorias Secret Angels she was talking about. None of this showed on her face however, not even the surprise of actually speaking in person after a week of friendly glances and smiling reassurances across the room during rehearsals.
"Thanks! You look amazing. I'm sure YOU'LL be the show stopper tonight." She replied grinning again.
"So do you. Have you considered being a super model yourself? You certainly look it." Karlie replied with a grin and a cheeky wink.
Taylor could feel a small blush creeping across her cheeks as she quickly hid it, grinning again and saying "Good luck, angel!" when Pete Wentz announced her.
Stepping onto the stage with Fall Out Boy did have it's advantages. They seemed to hype her energy even more and Taylor felt all her nerves drain out of her as she stepped in to sing the second verse of their song.
Cat walking down the ramp, she gave her best to the song while seemingly having a lot of fun watching all the models trotting about her in different outfits. Cara was one of them of course playing with the football as she stunningly walked right to the front and managed a perfect butt hi5 while passing Taylor.
By now, Taylor was having way too much fun with her energy going up as it progressed. Angels walking up and down sporting the most extravagant outfits, all acknowledging Taylor onstage making it all the more fun for her. This way, Karlie too walked past Taylor, giving her a subtle wink as she passed. Taylor again felt a small blush creep onto her cheeks again as she walked back to Pete to join him on the next line. She couldn't take her eyes off Karlie until she was out of sight, however. What was so special about her? Taylor couldn't pin point it but it felt nice. 'I don't have the time to deal with it just yet.' she thought, finishing off the song, finally. Her nervous anxiety was nowhere to be found.
Taylor made it backstage again to more chaos as the models scrambled about to change into their next outfits. So far the show had been going extremely wonderfully and they wanted to keep it that way. Since, Taylor didn't have to step out onstage just yet, she quickly changed into her second dress for the night, a silver gleaming dress which looked as though it was made of diamonds that cut right at her thigh paired with her boots and accessories all of the same colour. She looked like a gorgeous diamond herself and blended very well with the theme that was "Snow Angels".
"Told you. Supermodel material." Karlie said passing by to take her place to get back onstage again wearing one of those ridiculously expensive outfits that just made her seem even more beautiful than she already was. She seemed to be radiating beauty and confidence everywhere she went, not to mention the most positive energy you could find in the room.
Taylor had never really blushed as much as she did when Karlie gave her these small compliments. Surely she'd gotten loads of these but this just seemed like so much more coming form Karlie. Taylor only managed to grin back before Karlie disappeared onstage again.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now