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(a/n: Enjoy!)


Everything with Karlie Kloss had always felt clandestine. Even for example, meeting for lunch at a seemingly lowkey spot downtown.

The model had been the one to make the suggestion via a quick text and Taylor had agreed immediately, despite her packed schedule.

Everything now felt even more clandestine, and for good reason. Karlie was not in on her little secret that was growing by the second. A secret that had her skipping the front entrance of her apartment and only taking Sam with her.

It grew ten-fold when she spotted the model already seated in the corner booth, looking every bit a New Yorker in her dark brown coat and equally dark shoes as she stared at her phone screen, blonde locks falling effortlessly down her shoulders.

Taylor moved through the fairly busy restaurant silently, having successfully avoided the paparazzi so far. She didn't want to be spotted if she could help it.

She felt a sense of accomplishment when Karlie jumped in surprise at her sudden appearance.

"Oh my God, you made it!" exclaimed the supermodel, somehow managing to keep her voice down. She immediately got up to hug the shorter girl, engulfing her in that sweet yet musky scent once more.

Karlie was the first to let go, and quickly too, but before Taylor could frown in confusion from the loss of contact, she saw the model's eyes dart around the restaurant as she sat back down.
The glance wasn't a reflex or a simple look, it was sweeping and sharp, as if she was scanning every corner of the room.
Taylor could feel her stomach flip when she realised that Karlie was making sure they didn't cause a fuss, that she too didn't want them to be spotted on the release day of her much-anticipated album.

It was peculiar that the model always seemed to share her thoughts or immediately catch on to Taylor's intentions. Kind of funny that the green-eyed girl, who'd suggested lunch so nonchalantly a few minutes ago, was the one making sure they wouldn't be recognised.
Heart-warming that she seemed to understand how big of a risk this was for Taylor Swift, to blow off her team and meet a friend on her big day.

But she doesn't know that she's not just a friend anymore, sighed her mind, causing her to sag a little against her chair as she sat down, keeping her head down in order to avoid drawing attention.

Karlie seemed to notice immediately, of course, "You doing okay? Nerves?"

Her smile was soft and sympathetic, but Karlie didn't understand that she was the cause for Taylor's helplessness, and not so much the nerves for a project she'd been working on for more than a year.

Nevertheless, the singer took to the excuse, smiling sheepishly at the empty cutlery, "Yeah, I had maybe... three hours of sleep last night."

"Wow, okay that isn't good for you," admonished the younger girl, green eyes bright and not at all sleep deprived.

Taylor scoffed, "I forget that you've never known me during an album release."

"No, I haven't, but I'm pretty sure you have quite a few unhealthy things lined up this week," Karlie rolled her eyes.

The popstar shrugged, not bothering to deny it.

"And I bet you haven't eaten anything yet."

"I'm going to have lunch with you right now!" reasoned the older girl, watching Karlie's concern grow into slight disbelief.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now