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(a/n: I apologise for Karlie's behaviour in the last chapter but I hope this makes up for it.
nsfw? nsfw.
Although, I don't think I'm a good smut writer. Let me know what you think?)


It wasn't a dream. It couldn't be. 

  It was just hard for her to believe what was happening.

Taylor was finally kissing Karlie Kloss in real life and she wanted to prolong the moment as much as possible.
If someone wakes me up from this, I'm going to be so god damn pissed, was all she had managed to think, before all her senses were overridden by the model.

She didn't know who initiated the second kiss after Karlie had given her raspy consent, but it was a thing that was happening and Taylor wasn't complaining.
  She didn't even notice the cats scurry out of the room.

Karlie's lips felt soft and hesitant against her own. It made her hunger only worse.
The singer could tell just how tense she was by the pressure of Karlie's fingers against her bare waist and the way her shoulders were raised as if they were in the middle of a shrug.

Placing both her arms on Karlie's shoulders to push them down, she wrapped them around the model's neck and made her move. Taylor edged closer, pressing her body flush against the taller woman's slim frame, hardening their kisses while the taller girl's arms slipped around her waist firmly.

A singular moan escaped Karlie's mouth. It was a sound the singer had missed so dearly, one she'd only dreamt of hearing again.

She revelled in the feeling of being held by this woman who was just so smooth against her body.

However, before she could literally become breathless, they broke apart. Taylor being the first to pull away, made the taller girl lean forward in an attempt to hold it just a bit longer. They didn't know it, but this was about to form into a pattern in the future.

To say that their breathing was heavy would've been an understatement. They stayed like that for the briefest of moments, their heads still together, Taylor's body tingling like she'd been stung by a power socket.

There were too many things to notice in that short second.

Karlie's lips were redder than before; her breathing was low and harsh with a strange yet pleasant mixture of wine and mint fanning the older girl's face; and her cheeks were incredibly flushed.
Although she couldn't catch a glimpse of the model's gaze through her own hooded eyes, Taylor knew that they were darker than their sea-green versions. 

The blue-eyed blonde wondered if she looked as flustered as Karlie did; if the model was as breath-taken by the sight before her as Taylor was.

She couldn't wait any longer, even if she wasn't entirely sure of Karlie's stance on the ongoing events.
Once again, she shifted their position.
  Slipping her fingers to the back of Karlie's neck, grazing her golden locks,  while her thumb caressed the skin just below her high cheekbones, Taylor pulled her in for one more round.

She nipped at Karlie's lower lip in the process, earning another distinctive moan from the taller woman. This seemed to awaken her other motor skills because soon, Taylor found herself guiding the taller girl backwards, towards her bed.

She felt the back of her feet hit the side of the bed, falling back on the king-sized mattress with Karlie following her lead.
When the taller blonde landed on top of the singer, Taylor couldn't help but let out a throaty groan of her own, thoroughly enjoying the way her body was sandwiched between the soft bed and Karlie's lithe body.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now