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(a/n: I love this video.)


"Have you read the tabloids today?" Cara asked, sipping on her morning coffee. "I don't really read them...weren't you the one that advised it?" Karlie was reading the morning news paper while her hair was getting done.

Cara had the morning off so she chose to spend it with the American. "Yeah..." she drew out the word before turning to her laptop screen on the table. Karlie noticed a small smile on the brunette's face but she only frowned, deciding to get back to it later. Karlie was currently reading up on a business report from Chicago, concerning an important person in her life.

Good news, she thought as she read up on the new deal by The Thrive Capital. The smile on her face grew. She was proud to know Josh, she really was. It made her happy that his hard work had paid off as it always did. She wondered if that was why Josh had called her the night before, to tell her that it was worth it, to talk about what a great day he had just experienced, to hopefully make it to the launch now that the deal was through. She hoped it was.

"Well, Karlie! How are you?" Her photographer for the day greeted her, as did the creative brain of the campaign she was working on. "Wonderful! And you?" She shook the hand of the rather handsome man who Cara seemed to be eyeing from the rim of her coffee cup. "Pretty peachy. This weather is really doing all of the work for me. I've just thought of the perfect design for our pictures!"

"Great!" Matching his enthusiasm, Karlie spoke about the array of pictures they had to cover for this spread in an upcoming issue of the magazine they were shooting for. All the while, Cara simply sipped on her coffee and peered into laptop with an amused expression on her face. She was clearly reading something interesting. 

However, the model was too busy to think on it as she slipped into one outfit after another. Her looks changed drastically throughout the shoot and so did her mindset. Most of the looks they were going for were  elegant and bold, the styling mimicked these emotions. After two hours of five different outfits, Karlie was due for a much needed break. The morning had been fairly hard to get through. Every moment she spent off camera, she had trouble focusing on the task at hand. However, the pictures turned out to be quite beautiful and satisfactory.

"It's twelve thirty, I think it's about time I go. See you at the show tonight?" Cara asked, looking at the taller girl through the mirror as she approached.

"Yep. And then dinner before you fly out?" Karlie replied hopefully, pulling the Brit into a tight hug. "You bet." Cara whispered back, giving her a peck on the cheek before she pulled away. She watched as her friend walked out with her backpack in hand. The girl seemed to be heading towards the handsome man yet again, her charming grin in place. On the way however, she watched the brunette stop by the make up artist that had been working on Karlie for the whole morning and give her a peck on the cheek as well.

Karlie could easily spot the woman blush from a mile away and all the while Cara had slipped one arm around her waist while the other held the bag as she whispered into her ear. The model had watched her friend do this countless times in awe. The younger Delevingne had a habit of working up girls and boys alike if she found them attractive and Karlie noticed that it almost always had the same effect on them. Cara could turn every innocent action into something cheekier. This time was no different as the woman giggled, watching the Brit continue on her path, stopping in front of the tall man (Kyle) who was busy arranging the next shot.

"See you soon." She said, leaning up to peck him on the cheek too before turning away with a smirk playing on her lips. She walked off without a single look back but Kyle could only stare at her retreating figure with a smile. This too was an effect she often had on people, Karlie noticed, wondering how she managed to pull it off every single time without fail. Was there no one that could resist her charms? The thought was lost among many others as her break came to an end and her second half of the shoot took off.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now