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(A/n: Okay Sorrs, guys, this took longer than expected but I really hope you like it. there's an argument about a vase in there, you might want to join in in the comments. Ps. I tried to smut a little ;) Hope you like it.)

"Let's take the side entrance." Karlie steered them towards the corridor before being halted by the singer.

"We're walking straight through the main hallway, honey." Taylor easily guided the taller girl by pressing lightly on her back, not unaware of the fact that she could feel goosebumps erupting where her fingers touched the model's spine. The model didn't catch the smirk playing on her lips. 

Karlie liked this changed attitude the blonde was sporting ever since their talk on the beach hours ago. Taylor seemed to have regained that confidence she had been feigning in front of the crowds, for real.
It hadn't taken long for the model to understand that the blue eyed girl had been feeling down before she met her. Sure she was ruling the world with her music and poise, but the shorter girl was really one of the most genuine humans she had ever met, with real fears and hopes and ideas.
It didn't take long for Karlie to stop being starstruck and see the singer for who she was. A few minutes in the same room had been enough, even before they'd even spoken to each other. Such a connection had been unheard of. Even by her, until she saw the blonde walk into rehearsals last year, of course.
Right now, she could see that Taylor Swift was radiating all the confidence and power she did before her insecurities took over her during the beginning of this trip and although the confidence didn't mean that she had started being stupidly bold by rushing into the crowds, she could feel just how free and un-paranoid she had become.
I'm glad I could help, baby. She thought to herself as she fondly stared at her best friend's face that was currently furrowing as they stood in the elevator.

The two women were heading up to their room after enjoying  an uninterrupted dinner at the hotel's in-house restaurant, by the pool. They were still in flimsy clothes though, a thin almost transparent shirt over their bikinis hardly qualified as warm clothing.
"What are you looking for?" The taller girl peeked from behind Taylor's shoulder into her little hand bag.
"Uh...the key card. Here we are!" The singer flashed the car in her face as they stopped at the 3rd floor. "Wait this isn't our floor." Taylor managed, just as the doors opened to reveal a couple standing in front, getting into the elevator with them.
The  women didn't dare to utter a word since the two love-birds were too busy looking at each other to notice Taylor's presence.
Karlie however, couldn't stop staring at the two. They seemed to be too in love with each other and the now blonde model found herself imagining herself in their position for some reason. The only problem with that was that she couldn't picture Josh being like that with her...she couldn't picture herself being like that, although she imagined that she'd been that way for the past two days with a certain blue eyed blonde. The next thing she knew, the two seemed to be kissing, just as the elevator dinged again to signify that it was the 4th floor. Time to stop staring and get off, Kloss. She thought to herself, not daring to look at the couple or Taylor who was rushing right behind her.

Karlie, focus. You can't be thinking these things right now.
"I can never get these things to work." Taylor was slipping the card right into the slot and it was blinking red. Such a Baby.
"Let me try." Karlie took the little slim piece of cardboard and slowly slid it into the device and sure enough, the green light glowed. "There we are." The model smiled, turning the knob to enter their suite for the first time.

It wasn't big, but it wasn't something you'd call small either. Just a simple suite with a substantial living area, a balcony that looked out onto the beach in front, a fully loaded kitchen, a gym room and a grand piano smack dab in the middle of everything, complete with it's own mini raised platform. Not to mention the king sized bed with the 50 inch screen TV mounted on the wall across.
The balcony wasn't much to boast about, but anyone could do without it since the windows pretty much took up all the walls, allowing enough moonlight to pour in even if it was one of the darkest nights of the year with the moon almost disappearing behind the dense clouds.
So, they could include a piano and a gym but didn't think about an extra bedroom? Karlie kept thinking as she made her way over to the inviting bed with the softest sheets and fluffiest pillows she'd ever touched, or maybe it was just her exhaustion talking.
"Nice. They have a gym, Karl. You wanna sleep in here?" She heard the singer call from the adjacent room, making her smirk to herself, forgetting the mental struggle for a second.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now