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(A/N: Pre Met Ball scenes. Warning, the beginning is considerably dirty.)


It was 2 A.M. on a warm, rainy New York night and Taylor Swift really couldn't think of any reason why her doorbell should've been ringing off the hook. She grumbled to herself, yanking back the front door without even looking through the peep-hole. Sam's daily safety precautions would've gone to the dogs if there happened to be a serial killer on the other side but there wasn't.

Karlie Kloss was standing there instead, with her signature, short, brown hair soaked to the tips and sticking to the sides of her face. Taylor almost jumped back in surprise. Her blue eyes took in the sight of the model in a dark brown trench coat under which was an equally wet white sundress that she had seen on Karlie once before. Her feet were bare but Taylor spotted her drenched flats in her right hand.

"What the hell?" she heard herself say, finally sparing Kloss' face a glance. She couldn't look away after that, because the eyes she was met with weren't the usual calm, yet bright sea green with specks of gold but a rather haunting shade of emerald with dark rings.

"Are you okay?" Taylor heard herself ask once more, feeling like she was in a trance herself. The singer pulled the taller girl into the apartment without any delay, making Kloss almost trip over her long limbs.

"I- I... don't know, I was just walking back to the car and it started raining and I couldn't bring myself to leave," Karlie's words cut through the sound of raindrops as sharp as a knife.
Her eyes were still glued to Taylor's sky blue ones and the shorter girl couldn't move an inch. The singer's hands were subconsciously running up and down Karlie's soaked arms, trying to induce some warmth into them. All that managed to do was make the model shiver under her touch and Taylor was attentive to each flicker in her movement.

Finally coming to her senses, Taylor made to remove the trench coat from the model's tall frame, muttering something about her getting hypothermia. Karlie mutely nodded, her emerald eyes still captivating the singer in the darkness of the room, like never before.

"We should get you out of this," Taylor continued, clearing her throat and bringing herself to break eye contact. The singer felt as if her soul had been looked into and she didn't know what to do with herself. She chose to ignore the younger girl's words altogether, focusing on the task at hand as she turned away. Karlie obviously had something different in mind.

"Good idea," she heard the model whisper from behind, her lips grazing Taylor's earlobe ever so slightly. Her tone didn't sound playful but rather dark, filled with an emotion the singer could only divulge as desire.
Oh God. Taylor ignored the comment too, trying to maintain her composure as she subconsciously grabbed Karlie's freezing, wet hand and pulled her all the way up the stairs towards the bathroom.

"I'll go get you some clothes to change into," Taylor muttered, commanding Karlie to take off her drenched garments so that she could wear something warmer. Before she could turn to go however, she felt Karlie's cold fingers harden their grip around the singer's wrist.

"I don't need clothes," she said, making Taylor look up at her in confusion.

"You can't stay in that!"

"I won't." She said, her voice barely above a whisper as she let go of the singer.

Taylor's puzzled eyes then traced the movement of Karlie's hands, following them as they made their way down to the edge of the dress just a few inches above her knee. Something resembling momentary excitement and surprise coursed through her body.
She couldn't look away, and that seemed to be precisely what the model wanted, since Karlie's long fingers were taking an unnecessarily long time to wrap themselves around the hem. Twirling her index fingers and thumbs over the cloth, Karlie began pulling the dress upwards; albeit slowly. It was almost painful to stop herself from reaching out, but the singer remained rooted to her spot.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now