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(A/N: if it's any concession for the delay, this chapter is fucking long. Hope you enjoy all the Kaylor feels.)

"You look really douchey right now." Taylor took off the model's shades while they ducked into another shop in the narrow alleyway they had been exploring. 

"I do not!" The taller girl countered, opening the door to the store she had often come to when in search of little artefacts she found fascinating. "Immensely douchey." They dropped their hands, putting a distance between them just as they'd done all morning when in the presence of people.

It had been two hours now, they'd been roaming the inner streets of San Francisco in secrecy with the town car tailing them at a considerable distance and pulling up to them when they couldn't walk any more. It had been successful so far. Taylor was impressed by how expertly the green eyed girl had manoeuvred them through the grid, taking her to places she hadn't had the liberty of seeing before. And they did all this with their hands intertwined.

It felt like the most normal shopping trip she had ever been on and that was what made it so extraordinary. To be present in the moment, picking out your favourite shade of nail polish without a swarm of cameras, hand in hand with your best friend (Taylor laughed at the phrase) who never failed to keep you laughing.

"Good morning." The lady who owned the store walked up to them, smiling at Karlie before her eyes met the shorter girl's face. "Oh My God."
This had been happening all morning but all the people they had met had been kind enough to leave them alone, promising not to call the media or mentioning to another soul until they were out of the city that evening.

"Hi." Taylor waved timidly at the lady, giving her usual goofy smile as she watched the owner have a small heart attack on the inside. "I must have an autograph and picture from you two. Oh yes! Karlie Kloss! Of course, I should've known! I haven't seen you here in so long." She finished, fishing out her phone from her purse, quickly switching on the camera. "What are you doing here?" She asked, before proceeding to take a picture with them.

"We've got work in the city. Don't tell anyone. It's a secret." Karlie put her finger to the lips, signalling the lady to keep her mouth shut about the matter.
"Oh who do I have to tell?" She jokingly welcomed them in, knowing Karlie would take her own sweet time exploring her store.

She was fond of the model, she was always so sweet. The presence of the singer was quite a surprise though. She had kept up with the news to know that they knew each other but she had no idea about how close they really were. Her eyes curiously took in the two girls behaving rather adorably as they browsed the shop.

"I think the owner has quite the likeness for you. She keeps looking at you." Taylor whispered as she brushed her hand against some wind chimes. Yeah right. Karlie thought before looking at the singer. "Nah. It's because she hasn't seen the famous Taylor Swift in real life before. I bet she didn't realise you were so beautiful in person." The taller girl whispered back, trying not to laugh when she saw Taylor's cheeks turn a tiny bit red as she looked away.

"That's unfair, you're clearly more beautiful than I am." The blonde recovered, winking at Karlie as she moved further into the empty store.

"True." The green eyed girl smirked, earning a playful shove to the shoulder. "You're supposed to be modest, Kloss." Taylor stated blandly. "Oh I know. I'm just trying to appeal to you. Maybe me stating the obvious will..." The model was whispering now, "make you wanna kiss me?"
It was a question, a question that made Taylor's heart flutter. This was new, this shameless flirting, this playful almost dangerous banter and there was no way the singer could stop herself from missing a beat every time she heard these things slip from Karlie's lips.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now