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(a/n: this was supposed to be up yesterday, but it ended up being longer than i intended. Enjoy! ps: this chapter is not very dialogue centric, because there was just too much going on. )


Taylor continued to do and say things unthinkingly, accidentally, not caring about her resolutions until the damage was done, until Karlie had left her dazed, until she felt herself falling further into the bottomless pit of an emotion she refused to acknowledge.

She did it under the pretense of not wanting Karlie to know that anything had changed, but really, she couldn't help herself.

By the time the seasons had changed from fall to winter, Taylor had gone through a series of heart stopping moments that only solidified Karlie's hold on her heart.

The first of many happened to be on the night of her second performance for the world's most famous fashion show, and this time she was playing an even bigger role of musical guest, which meant more time under the gleaming lights while Karlie—all of her model friends, she reminded herself—walked about in next to nothing.

"Fifty minutes till show time, everybody," came a voice over the walkie-talkie placed at the corner of her trailer. Taylor sat in a light-pink silk robe in front of the brightly lit dresser table while three different people fussed over her appearance.

She was in the middle of calming her pre-performance nerves when she saw the trailer door open through the mirror.

Karlie stepped through with an easy smile, clad in a similar robe. It was only then that the singer realised that silk robes didn't count as clothing either, since the plunge of the neckline alone were bordering on inappropriate, not to mention, they did nothing to hide Karlie's extra long legs.

"How's it going, Miss Swift?" asked the supermodel, a barely held back grin in place while the shorter girl did her best not to be blinded by the brightness of it.

"Good," she replied, sounding shaky instead of confident. The green-eyed beauty easily read the emotion in her voice.

"You're going to be amazing, don't worry about it!" Karlie assured her, taking the empty seat next to hers while the styling team moving around made noises of agreement.

"I was going to tell you that," Taylor replied unwittingly, only realising what she'd said when she saw the way Karlie's head ducked, the way her glossed lips quirked into a shy smile, the way her own heart stuttered at the sight even when she'd been looking through a mirror.

"Well, I can't not worry about tripping everywhere," smirked Karlie, after they'd both looked away to collect themselves.

Taylor couldn't help the twitch of her eyebrow, "Oh really, Miss Victoria's Secret Angel for the fourth year running?" It seemed that the undertones in every sentence showed no signs of stopping, and Karlie looked like she didn't want it any other way.

"Really," Karlie breathed, chuckling at the incredulous gaze she was receiving from the singer.

"You could just grab me if I'm nearby," Taylor winked automatically, resulting in another chuckle from the model.

"And then we'd just fall together, is that what you want?" Karlie asked in between laughter, and the blue-eyed girl couldn't help but stare, lips parted in disbelief at the words, body frozen at what they could've meant if only the model knew how Taylor felt, if only...

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now