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Hi Guys, y'all seem to be loving the story so far. Thank you so much, y'all are the best. I've been smiling throughout the day. :')
I enjoy your feedback and I love writing this story. <3
The next update will be up in a few days. And it shouldn't be long at all.

But if you do want to read more Kaylor while I finish the next chapter, check out the new story I've started. The first chapter is up and I really want your feedback on whether to continue it.
It's called "Knocked Out" (Kaylor AU)
Just visit my profile, you'll find it.
You probably know what it's based off of. ;)
Hope you like it. Xx


&quot;Kaylor. I like that.&quot; ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now