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DISCLAIMER: If you find a large part of the story repeating? Please just skip to where you haven't read from,the wattpad app is a mess and I'll fix it as soon as I have access to a computer. Thanks.

"I can't believe I even agreed to this." Karlie shook her head in amusement while Taylor spoke on the phone, stroking the cat in her arms as she looked out of the balcony. "Thanks, Tree. See you." The singer cut the call just as her eyes fell on the beautiful blonde sitting on the sofa, staring at the ceiling and running her hands through her hair.

"Okay so are we set?" Karlie asked earnestly, finally getting up and picking up the packed bags next to the couch. "Yep. We're done. Tree won't be there but I think if you're around I should be able to handle the interviews just fine." Taylor winked, this was still so new and so normal at the same time. The model couldn't help the blush that crept on her cheeks. What is she doing to me? Karlie cleared her throat now, looking over at the little sorry note on the table left with a little money where a vase used to rest. "I can't believe you're that big of a klutz." Taylor followed her gaze, holding up the paper bag filled with ceramic pieces. "Yeah uh..." The taller girl seemed to be blushing too much these days, this whole trip had just been a test for her cheeks and how fast they could turn red. "I think we should take the pieces with us. We've paid for it anyway." The singer quickly slipped the paper bag into one of their backpacks before stooping and picking up the grey cat again.

"Why? What could we possibly use it for?" Karlie questioned, following the shorter girl out of their suite just before she could look back and bid farewell to a hotel room that now seemed to hold some value to her. "I don't know...but it's really pretty." Taylor was now absentmindedly suggesting all the things they could make out of the pieces while the model could only focus on how lively she looked and just how happy she seemed this morning.

They had woken up together again, something she had already become addicted to. The shorter blonde had immediately jumped in excitement at the crack of dawn, stressing that Karlie needed to get packing soon if they were to make it to San Francisco in time for dinner.

"But I want to sleep." Karlie had complained, automatically pulling the singer back into bed and keeping her within her strong arms, forcing her to relax into her. Her heart had fluttered when she felt Taylor melt in her arms, when she'd turned around and placed a soft good morning kiss to her lips. So good. She tasted so good.
But what does all this mean? Karlie hadn't brought up the question and she didn't want to either, not yet. She wanted to get lost in their world where not a single soul knew about them. She didn't want to be reminded of all the work and meetings she had waiting, or the dysfunctional boyfriend that hadn't bothered to check on her yet. Joshua... Her heart dropped again at the thought of him.
The singer halted her monologue. "You okay, Karl? Forgot something?" Her blue eyes were piercing through her soul, picking up on the uneasy feeling easily. Yeah...That I have a boyfriend. The model thought, before shaking her head and smiling back at Taylor. "No. Everything's fine, let's go." The blonde didn't seem satisfied but she let it go anyway, taking Karlie's hand in hers as they walked out of the lobby and towards the car, parked in the back where Sam and Kevin were already waiting, dressed in another ridiculous ensemble of beach clothing.

"You guys are really going to make it big in the fashion world." Taylor let out a loud laugh as she spotted her two body guards trying to act normal in their ignorant tourist clothes. The model couldn't stop herself either, breaking into a small fit of giggles as Taylor continued.
"I bet Karl here could hook you up. Right?" She was looking at the taller girl, grinning widely as Karlie tried to contain herself. "Definitely."

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now