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(A/N: long one.. Not proof read. Forgive me! All fictional. :) I hope you like it!)

Wait for it, wait for it... Huh, Guess I didn't get that drunk after all.

Taylor was still lying in bed as she squinted one eye open in surprise. Her head wasn't throbbing although there was a hint of a headache. For a second she was dazed and puzzled as she tried to remember what had happened the previous night.
The memories hit her stronger than any hangover pain she'd expected. Karlie had kissed her last night. Woah... And she had kissed her back, more than willingly. "Fuck." She cursed to herself. Both her eyes shot open at this realisation as she took in her surroundings bathed in bright sunlight. She was on the king sized bed, alone. A sliver of disappointment went through her but mostly it was panic. She's gone. The singer reached out to the other side, it was still relatively warm and smelled very much like the brunette. Subconsciously, she rolled into Karlie's pillow and hid her face, breathing in the scent as she tried to process her thoughts but only one concern was ringing through her mind, Where is she?

"Meow." Taylor suddenly felt the touch of cat fur against her arms, jolting her out of her brief moment of panic. "Hey Meredith, did you sleep well last night?" The singer whispered softly, stroking the grey cat briefly, turning over onto her back as she heard footsteps approaching the slightly ajar bedroom door before she saw the tall girl she had been hoping to see come in, looking concerned. "Meredith, don't come in here, she's sleeping." She was saying as she looked up in surprise. "Oh. You're awake." The supermodel stated, her eyes searching the singer's face for something. Taylor however, hadn't thought of what would happen once she actually saw Karlie, images from the previous night kept flickering in her mind as she awkwardly averted her gaze back to the cat, trying to be as normal as possible.
"Yeah, just woke up. What are you upto?" Taylor looked up again, trying to be casual as she took in the full sight of the green eyed girl standing halfway through the door, a knife in hand. She couldn't help but giggle. "Are you planning to kill me, Kloss?" The singer joked, evoking a laugh from the brunette as well, even though she could sense the nervousness in her voice. "I'm not that stupid to do it in broad daylight, Swift." She smirked, before averting her gaze again to her feet, a small tinge of red had appeared on her face. Taylor was left to try and figure out what was going through Karlie's mind as the model spoke up once more. "How's the headache?"
"Uhm...it's actually terrible. My head feels like it's being punctured." The blonde lied, trying to think of any excuse to make it less awkward between them right now. Karlie's eyes were filled with concern before she let out a smug smile and nodded in understanding. "I'll get some pills for you, my head feels the same way. But first, I ordered some breakfast for us, so join me when you're ready." The model smiled at her, a genuine smile of sunshine but there was something unsettling in it. Nevertheless, Taylor loved watching that toothy grin greet her in the morning before nodding and turning back into her pillow as the model left the room, chuckling to herself while Meredith followed her out.

Taylor didn't know what to feel, now. Her mind was reeling too fast for her to catch up as she simply sunk deeper into the soft bed. Karlie had seemed normal for the most part, nervous about something but it didn't seem like someone who had kissed her best friend the previous night and woken up to the realisation. Maybe she's not panicking like you are, maybe she's happy about it. Or maybe, she didn't remember...could that be possible? The singer kept going back and forth with these thoughts before she struck a different nerve of worry. This can't be happening. She probably hates me now. Maybe it was a mistake...maybe she was too drunk. And then all this surprised the blonde once more, why did she feel dread at this thought? Did she not want for it to be a mistake? Did she want to kiss Karlie again? Ofcourse not, she lied to herself, brushing off every other thought on her mind as she stared at the ceiling. I'm not into girls. I'm not that kind of girl. Karlie is my best friend and it was probably a drunken mistake because we're so close. I kissed my best friend back...so what? Everyone does it, no big deal, Tay. She repeated to herself, now sitting up fully before getting off the bed and making her way to the bathroom. I'm sure she's forgotten about it, and I should too. She told herself, brushing her teeth for a few minutes before trying to fix the mess that was her hair. She even has a boyfriend! Taylor, get your shit together will you?

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now