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(A/N: Okay so this is a long one and I hopefully can pull off another long one next time too. Let's hope. :) Again, Kaylor cuteness that I've made up in my head. I hope you like it! Tell me what you think. Also, I didn't proofread this so all mistakes are mine, please forgive me? :) thanks! Anyway, Enjoy!)

Taylor blinked several times before her vision got used to the sunlight. Her head felt a little heavy but that didn't occupy her mind for too long as she spotted an arm loosely clutched around her waist and she remembered where she was. The blonde took in a quick breath as she turned her head to look at the model beside her, their heads almost together. They were practically cuddling but how they had gotten into that position was unknown and Taylor didn't want to move at all.
Taylor smiled as she took in the sight of Karlie sleeping peacefully, sighing once in a while. She's literally the most beautiful person I've ever seen. As Taylor's mind caught up with her latest thought, she put a hand over Karlie's arm around her and closed her eyes trying to make sense of what was going through her body. Her hand seemed to be running light patterns along the brunette's arm as she shifted lightly in bed to get a better look at her best friend. Watching Karlie sleep was one of the most peaceful and amusing things she'd experienced. I could get used to this.
This lasted another 5 minutes before the singer decided to go down and drink some water since the headache was setting in again. "I'll be back." She whispered, slowly lifting Karlie's arm and slipping out of bed.
As she padded her way to the kitchen she felt herself thinking of all the times she'd let her other friends stay over. They always did something more exciting and fun and usually went to bed separately but last night, all the girls had done was talk and laugh over food and wine and it seemed like the most fun she'd had. They'd even fallen asleep snuggling and Taylor didn't want it any other way. "Wait till you actually do something fun." Her mind told her as she opened the refrigerator to take out a bottle of cold water before gulping down half the bottle in a single swig.
After she had gotten enough water in her system to keep her hydrated, the singer grabbed an aspirin and another bottle of water before heading back up, knowing that Karlie would most definitely have more than just a slight headache 


Karlie felt the sun's rays filter through the drapes as she turned in her sleep. She heard a small squeak and with one open eye, she saw Taylor tip-toe into the room, putting down the water bottle on the side table. The model smiled sleepily, watching Taylor trying to walk around the room without making a noise as she set about to find her phone.
"I'm awake you know." Karlie spoke up groggily, finally rubbing both her eyes open as she tried to sit up in her bed. 

"Sorry." Taylor replied, grinning at her before getting back to looking for her phone.
"I was already awake when you came in. But my head is killing me. Ugh." The model stated, rubbing the back of her head. "Yeah. Of course it is! Three glasses of the finest wine will do that to you. Which is why I got you this and pulled you all the way up last night." Taylor smirked, reaching for the tablet and water bottle and handing it to the brunette.
"Hey! I distinctly remember walking on my own and arguing about something? But thanks." Karlie defended, gratefully accepting the pill from Taylor. How do you always know what I need?
"We didn't argue 

bout anything. You were just being a baby about sharing a bed." Taylor stated, looking as though she was surprising herself for even bringing it up, to which the model just chuckled, downing the pill and water quickly.

"By the way, your phone's over here." The model smiled, picking up her pillow to reveal Taylor's phone underneath. "It woke me when it vibrated. Learn to keep things to yourself, Swift!" Karlie chided, giving the singer a playful wink as she handed her phone back.
"Yeah, I'll try." Taylor replied, smirking as if she was holding a secret and it grew into a mischievous grin that caught Karlie's breath.
"Stop it."
Karlie froze as she realised that she had in fact uttered that out loud and looked up at Taylor who was looking at her with furrowed brows. "Stop what?" She asked, her hands playing with her phone. "Being cute?" Karlie decided to go with the truth since anything else would be insulting. The model suddenly felt anxious and hungry as she waited for Taylor to shake her head in disbelief instead...

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now