(A/N: Kinda short but very significant. Let's play spot the lyric shall we? ;) Enjoy.)

"She was looking at you all weird."

Taylor stated, letting out a small sigh as she stepped away from the bedroom door, watching Karlie pull out some clothes from their backpack.

"Yeah I know, but you did ask her to take the room by herself..." The model raised her eyebrows before throwing her the genius sweatshirt. "I didn't get your bag but you can just wear this."

They were standing in the dark, the singer barely managed to catch the sweatshirt as she put it to her face, appreciating the softness of the cloth against her skin, forgetting for a second that they were in the middle of a conversation.
Smells like Sunshine and shampoo. Figures.

Snapping her eyes open momentarily, she could just make out the small smile on Karlie's lips. The model cleared her throat, quickly looking away. "She probably thinks you're excessively attached to me or something." Karlie smirked, pulling out her toothbrush.
I am, it's true. Taylor blushed in the dark before retorting. "I am not! In fact I'll go tell her I'd love to have the bed to myself because you snore too much." A laugh escaped the shorter girl's mouth as Karlie pulled a funny face at her.
"I don't snore! Geez. Liar." The former brunette defended, stalking towards Taylor. "Mm but you don't mind sleeping in the other room? 'Cause last time I checked, you were about to object when Kristine suggested that you share her bed." The singer was grinning, Karlie was significantly closer now to notice the mischief in her eyes.

"I only said tried to say no because Kristine is an aggressive sleeper. She's kicked me off the bed a few times in her sleep. Imagine waking up bruised and on the floor!" That got the singer laughing out louder than she anticipated, but then she realised what that meant. "Oh." Her face fell just for a second before Karlie saved herself.

"I was lying, Tay. I don't think I'd be able to fall asleep knowing you were in the adjacent room and not next to me." Oh God. More flutters went through her as she replayed those words. Me neither.
The taller girl was at arms length now. She reached out and tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear, her thumb gently grazing Taylor's cheek. Damn it. The singer reflexively closed her eyes, savouring the touch like she had been hungry for it all her life. Well, since this morning actually. She remembered how they'd briefly kissed in bed that morning, just lost in their own world, not willing to get up and start the day. Now however, she felt relatively closer to reality. Their bubble was getting thinner.

A sigh broke from her lips as Karlie withdrew her hand. "So your sister is not an aggressive sleeper then?"
"Oh I didn't lie about that...I think I still have a bruise to prove it...it's there somewhere..." Karlie had started to survey her arms in search for a faint bruise. "You're ridiculous." Taylor laughed, laughter came so easily these days.

The model grinned knowingly, watching as Taylor's gaze dropped to her lips again. Just one. I promise. She was trying to tell the taller girl, even though they had silently agreed that what happened the previous night was going to be their own secret. That they were going to try and stay away from more of that when people were anywhere around them. Hell, they'd even refrained from doing anything when it was just Sam and Kevin around. The real reason however, was that Taylor felt uncertain. She was still afraid that Karlie didn't really want that, whatever it was. Even when the model was the one to reach out for her on so many occasions. She is my best friend. She has a boyfriend. A thought that kept running through her mind.

But she just wanted to kiss her, was that too much to ask? The singer brought a hand to Karlie's shoulder, before slowly moving it to her neck, grasping the little stray hair between her long fingers, moving her hand further up to her cheeks, her thumb lightly tracing the soft skin around her high cheek bones. You're so beautiful.
The model's opened suddenly when Taylor made her grip a little more firm. Green eyes pierced her in the dark.
It startled her, the intensity of her gaze, the hunger she saw in those eyes, mimicking her own blue ones. Her hand dropped at that, she couldn't risk it. It was Karlie's call, she knew the model was holding back, too. Do what you think is wise. She communicated wordlessly as the model's gaze fell to her hand, she groaned in response.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now