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(A/n: been a while.)


'Swift Shows Off Sizzling Chemistry With Dancer. Reel or Real?' 

Karlie Kloss closed the tab as soon as her eyes fell upon the sexy picture of her best friend almost kissing her undeniably attractive dancer during one of her performances. The model refused to believe that there really was anything to it but she'd noticed improvisations from the tour videos that she hadn't seen before.
 Taylor seemed to have changed the choreography to involve a lot more touches and a slightly higher sexual tension with one of her front men. The taller girl had only noticed this when it had been pointed out by all the media sites and even some of Taylor's fans online. It shouldn't be bothering you. Why are you even looking her up?

The model also noticed the distant behaviour Taylor was exhibiting, despite promising Karlie to keep in touch and talk every day.
That kind of radio silence had been maintained before, but it had been months ago, for seemingly obvious reasons. This time Karlie really didn't know what was bothering the singer and she wasn't in the mood to confront her when she was in the middle of Tour. And so she waited, until Taylor actually started texting more frequently, and a little fervently. 

It seemed the perfect opportunity when Taylor announced that she was coming back. The model remembered promising to meet her once she got back and she was relieved to see that Taylor had kept her word.
 What she didn't expect and was completely thrilled by, was the sight of Taylor still in her coat and knee length dress from the night before, standing at her front door with a grey cat in her hand just an hour after the last text she'd read. 

"Who is it, Kar?" Josh's voice brought her back to reality.

 Karlie had been grinning at the singer silently for a long moment and neither of them had moved or attempted to do so. The model noticed the immediate frown that took up Taylor's face when she heard the taller girl's boyfriend but she didn't notice the brief annoyance on her own. 

"It's Taylor! She's back!" This was said with such relief that the model was surprised with herself. Come on, you didn't miss her that much. 

But she did. She missed her enough to have had several bad days in a row. The days seemed bad because of her shoots being exhausting and Josh being back in town only to drop another bomb on her, one she'd long since expected.

However, Taylor's absence had made it worse and her subconscious sensed it, especially when the singer had been getting more distant with the passage of time. 

And what with those headlines...

They're fake. 

Well I'll find out. 

"I'm back." Taylor whispered, her tone warm and happy against her ear as Karlie crushed the shorter girl in her strong arms. The model wondered how she let her thoughts get so loud the past few days. 
The green eyed girl had missed the voice so close to her, her blue eyes that so often reminded her of the sky and the small quirk of her lips when she smiled coyly at Karlie after their prolonged embrace. 

"What a pleasant surprise!" Josh's voice interrupted. The man came up by Karlie's side, placing an arm around her shoulders, momentarily stiffening Karlie up, and not in a good way either. 

"That was the idea," Taylor shrugged, grinning at Karlie as she let herself in. The model wanted to laugh when she saw the singer turn to her boyfriend and counter his remark. 

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now