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(A/N: Hi it's been a while. Sorry. For this chapter, let's just pretend that whatever I type is true, no real life comparisons. Okay. Enjoy.)


Karlie was already up and running around her suite when she heard a slight sound from the bedroom. Taylor was awake. Finally.

The model had woken up pretty early with her head resting against the shorter girl's chest and she had spent almost 10 minutes unmoving from her position while simply listening to her heartbeat. It was a peaceful awakening that she hadn't had in over a month. Karlie had shook her head and forced herself to get up only when she received a text from Gigi, telling her to wake up.

"Good morning." Karlie smiled widely when she saw the singer stalk out of the bedroom in a slow pace, rubbing her eyes while she smudged the makeup from the previous day even further. Even with her mascara rubbed all around her eye and her lipstick slightly smudged around her mouth, Karlie couldn't help but feel her heart beat speed up when she took in the sight of the older girl. She just seemed to look even more beautiful every second that the taller girl spent looking at her.

The supermodel quickly subdued the urge to just walk up to her and kiss her on the mouth. Karlie could you please calm down? "Morning." Taylor replied, slightly frowning at the bright light pouring in through the windows of the penthouse suite. God, you're cute.

"Did you sleep well?" Cause I did. Karlie asked, her sunshiny grin never leaving her face as the blonde made her way to the table where the model was already having her breakfast AKA a fruit salad with a cup of much needed caffeine. "Yeah." A sleepy smile took its place on Taylor's face before she looked at the food laid out on the table. The younger girl had taken the liberty to order in her breakfast as well, knowing full and well that the singer would be craving for food in the morning.

"Wow you ordered pancakes?" The blonde's eyes widened as she took the chair next to Karlie's while she nodded. "They're delicious. And the best part is that they're healthy." Taylor scoffed when she heard that, only making the model grin as the shorter girl dug into the food without a pause.

Only after Taylor had gotten enough coffee in her system did her eyes widen to their natural size. She finally spoke, her voice no longer groggy.
"So busy day today, huh?" Karlie nodded excitedly before looking at her watch, realising that she needed to leave in ten minutes if she was to get to hair and make up on time.

"I need to get going soon." Karlie told her bitterly, wishing she could spend more time with the older girl. Taylor smiled, understanding but seeming disappointed anyway. "Do you mind if I shower before going out?" She asked as Karlie got up and moved to her backpack, packing some snacks for the day.

"It's all yours! You can borrow my clothes if you want." The taller girl said stopping short of the door before asking the question that was hounding her. "How long are you staying? Am I going to see you again today?" There was a hint of desperation in her voice that she didn't mean to show but Taylor seemed not to notice.

Then her blue eyes suddenly perked up and met her gaze, piercing through her for a moment and leaving her dazed. She saw a small glint of mischief appear in those blue orbs before her smudged red lips curved up in a smile. "Maybe. I'll see you later, Kloss." Karlie caught the tone and felt a small surge of relief. She'd be seeing her again today. This wasn't goodbye yet.

"Good luck, super model." Taylor quipped just as she walked out the front door, their gaze held right until she closed the door behind her. Karlie couldn't wipe the grin off her face until she was on the street, walking to her first venue that was just a block away.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now