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(A/N: This is a long long chapter, strap in.)


"Taylor, are you even listening?" asked Tree Paine, sipping on her morning coffee. She rolled her eyes when Taylor's gaze finally turned back towards her.

The singer couldn't help it. There was an adorable couple sitting at the table next to them, with their hair turning grey, dressed in their best, having breakfast at one of the most elite cafes in New York and she had been throwing them curious glances every few minutes. They didn't seem to care about any of this however, their eyes were trained on each other the whole time they were there.
The blue eyed girl was beginning to feel rather depressed looking at them, it was a little too cute.

The old woman was tall and graceful, sitting in a beautiful sundress with her brown hair left loose around her shoulders, it seemed to be slowly turning silver at the roots. Her face was just as attractive and filled with laughter lines, she looked like the happiest woman alive with the way she seemed to be grinning at her equally good looking husband.
Speaking of the man, he was dressed in a casual suit, his dark blue blazer setting him apart from all the slacking boys in the room. The man's shiny hair was cut to highlight his impeccable cheekbones. It didn't matter that he was old, he still looked like the most handsome man at the food establishment.
They're beautiful, Taylor thought, noticing once again how he had reached out to hold her hand as she talked about something.

"I'm sorry," the singer trained her eyes on Tree this time, chewing the inside of her mouth as she reached for her salad. "You were saying?"

The publicist sighed, shaking her head in amusement as she threw the old couple a look of her own. "I see you're very distracted by them," she said, a smirk lining her face.

"They're so adorable! Just look at them," the blue eyed girl whispered, not wanting either of them to hear.
"You've always been fascinated with love," Tree remarked, a small smile gracing her face now. The publicist knew her client really wasn't in the mood to talk business this morning.

"You think?" Taylor replied, grinning sarcastically before sipping on her smoothie.
"But why?" the publicist was curious now, she had never asked this question before. Taylor averted her gaze from the couple again.
"Isn't everybody? Aren't you?" the blonde asked, leaning forward, eager to know Tree's answer.

"I- I guess, but I'm just not so open about it." Tree was surprised to be answering that, she wondered if this was how it felt during the singer's countless interviews where she'd instruct the girl not to answer such questions.

"I'm not open about it either," the taller woman kneaded her eyebrows together.

The red-head scoffed at the remark, "This is coming from the girl who writes songs about her life and releases it to the world, only to have me denying all the rumours about who it is for." Taylor giggled in reply, Okay I guess I'm a little open about it.

"But that's just how I process my feelings. My way of thinking things through is just a little more different than yours, I don't talk about it," the blue eyed girl defended, before being interrupted by deep laughter from the old man next to them. One glance at the couple told the singer that his wife had clearly said something funny. Both women smiled silently at that, continuing to sip on their drinks.

"Well, God bless us all for that! I'm not complaining," the publicist joked. Her phone pinged with another text, reminding them that they had quite the busy day ahead of them. However, just as they were about to signal for the waiter to bring them their bill, Taylor caught the old woman looking right at her.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now