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(A/N: Some fillers, fluff and important stuff. )


Karlie was busy typing on her laptop when Cara finally returned from the gym. Having already gone in the morning, the blonde had decided to stay home and answer the e-mails she had left unattended.

There had been a few from her management, asking for her decision on future campaigns and there had been a few from Derek, containing HD pictures from the party of the night before. Speaking of the party, Karlie had only had the liberty of sleeping for 5 hours but she was determined not to let the day go to waste, having gotten an hour long run under her belt already.

"You're still at the computer?" It was said in a flat tone, not really posing a question.
The brunette marched past her towards the kitchen and poured herself a glass of O.J. from the refrigerator, her eyes neither missing the pictures stuck there with magnets nor the lack of any form of baked goods.
She still hadn't gotten a response from the American girl.

"And you don't have any cookies at home. How long has it been since you baked?"

She was met with silence for a few seconds as Karlie lifted her head from the screen to the ceiling to think before uttering the first words she'd spoken out loud all day.
"A few weeks...I've been busy."

"Too busy to bake? You? Well we have today," Cara suggested, taking her place next to Karlie on the comfortable couch while peering into the computer screen at the e-mail the model had been writing to Derek.

"I don't wanna bake today," replied the blonde. She was trying to figure out the right response to Derek's little monologue about all the events that happened after Karlie's departure.

One of them apparently had been the instance Nick had built up the nerve to ask her best friend out. Incidentally, it had happened after their brief make out session in the pool and Derek had said yes, obviously.

'OMG THAT'S AWESOME! WHEN'S THE DATE?' she replied quickly, then opening up the list of images to find the right one to post on her Instagram. The models chuckled from time to time as they went over the various pool shots and pictures with the rather bright birthday cake. Finally picking the decent group picture with the whole gang making silly faces, she closed her laptop and wrote a quick caption on her phone to post it.

"So what do you wanna do?" Cara asked once the green eyed girl was done.

"I don't know...there isn't any food at home," Karlie was thinking out loud when the brunette sat forward.
"Perfect. We'll go grocery shopping, come on."

They had driven down to the nearest grocery store, saying hello to the cashier like Karlie always did before filling up their carts to the brim. Cara had gone out of her way to bag all of the candy at the store while the green eyed girl stuck to her list of essentials, picking out some fresh vegetables on the way out. They paid for their supplies before deciding to get coffee on the way home.

The Starbucks they'd stopped at was deserted and baking in the afternoon heat of New York City. Karlie sat down at one of the tables while Cara walked towards the barista to place their orders. They'd decided on a cold drink due to the weather and Karlie was looking forward to the caffeine in her body since she was still behind on her sleep, not that she had any will to sleep when her mind was in shambles without any good reason.

The model's brain kept replaying all of last night, trying to find the switch that flipped her into such a mood, but she couldn't find it. She decided to shut it off when she realised her coffee still wasn't in front of her.
Looking up from her perfectly shaped nails, the blonde spotted the problem. Cara and the barista were having quite the conversation, or so it looked like from ten feet away. She decided to intrude politely because she didn't know how long it would take if they were left to themselves.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now