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(A/N: Okay, this is long but filled with feels (kinda). Hope you like it! All lies. All mistakes are mine.)

"Taylor, what are you even doing?" Karlie walked into the singer's closet, having heard all the noise that was emanating from there.

"I'm trying-" she pulled on the lower drawer in her wardrobe once more "-to find something presentable to wear..."
"Ugh this thing is so heavy." Taylor tugged at the drawer again. "I haven't opened this in so long-"
"Wait, let me help." Karlie stepped forward and yanked on the handle with both her hands and the drawer slid right open.
"I need to start working out more." The model heard her say under her breath before smirking to herself.

"Speaking of which, I need to work out. It's been two whole days! Do you mind if I use the treadmill for a while?"
"Not at all. Go ahead." The shorter girl replied as she bent down to look through her totally filled wardrobe.
The brunette started to walk away but popped in once again.
"By the way, uhm...where are you going today?"
"We. Where are we going." Taylor corrected, seeing the model's puzzled expression, she clarified: "I've a photoshoot today and I want you to come with me, will you? It'll be fun."

"Sure! I'm there, but what's wrong with what you're wearing right now?" The model asked, pointing to the blue sundress she had on with crimson maple leaf prints, stopping right at her toned knees.
"This? This is too simple..." Taylor trailed off, turning her head back to the mess of clothes on the rack.
"Simple is pretty...it's so pretty!" The taller girl protested, now her tall frame leaning against the closet doorway.
"Isn't it? I bought this at a small store in Berlin while on tour. It's so soft too. The guy refused to let me even pay for it, which is absurd and I told him that. In the end though, he ended up giving me a sun hat along with it for free," The singer said, running her fingers through the gentle frills at the bottom.

Karlie smiled. She loved it when Taylor would talk about the little experiences during her tour and how she would have a memory attached to every little article she had.

"See? It's perfect, you're going to have to change later anyway. Wear it." The model offered, looking towards the shelf on the right wall, trying to find a nice pair of shoes to go with it. Hmmm...something simple but elegant, let's see.

"You have a nice collection here...how about this one to go with it?" She said, picking out a pleasant pair of keds that had small shiny stars in blue on them.
"There. You look great. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to work out for a bit." Karlie turned back towards the door but was surprised with a quick peck to the cheek. 

"Thanks. No one says stuff like that." What? Karlie could only manage a grin as she walked out of the roomy closet, only then letting out the breath that she didn't realise she was holding.
What did she mean? What did I say to deserve that.

The model absently, turned on the treadmill as she went over the same thing again and again. The subtle touches Karlie was receiving over the last two days wasn't overlooked and every time it happened, the brunette's mind went into overdrive. The only reason she was on the treadmill today was because her head was too preoccupied with images of the singer and Karlie couldn't deal with those feelings just yet.

"Hey. If you want to come along, we'll have to leave in an hour so...maybe...wow." Karlie heard Taylor trail off when she turned her head to look at her. "What?"
"Uhm, you run fast." Taylor's eyes immediately widened.
Karlie burst into a giggle as she looked down at the speed she was on. "Yeah, it feels good."
"How are you not out of breath? What is this sorcery?!" Taylor looked almost shocked.
"Crazy woman."
"That I am...but you were saying?" Karlie grinned again, feeling a small blush creeping up her face when she caught the shorter girl's eyes trail down her body before snapping back to her face.
"Yeah we'll be leaving in an hour...get dressed soon." The singer's face had become almost stony before she left the room, not looking back.
What happened? Karlie racked her brain again as she continued to run at top speed. Shut up and run, Karl.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now