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 ( A/N: Hello. This one was an absolute bitch to write because of the worst writer's block, followed by the struggle of being a human who goes to college (the worst place on the planet). I dead-ass would've given up if some of you hadn't left me those passive aggressive messages on my Tumblr, so thank you for that. 

 To compensate for the preposterous (2 MONTH. omfg) delay, there's a lot of almost sin in here. Enjoy. )


Karlie's fingers brushed through golden strands gently, nails lightly scratching at Taylor's scalp as her lips continued their steady assault on the singer's redder ones. There was a trembling hand slowly climbing up her arm with more confidence every passing second, and the model could feel even the feather-light impressions Taylor's fingertips were leaving against her skin.
It wasn't a new experience by any means, but oh boy, did it feel that way. And when Karlie's tongue finally licked into the shorter girl's mouth, the echoing moan was enough to bring a whole new appreciation for it all.

It was Taylor who finally released her hold on the model's lips, quivering fingers replacing them by brushing over soft, pink, hypersensitive skin. Karlie instinctively kissed them, garnering a satisfying but low gasp from the singer while her lips ached to map out Taylor's fingerprints, so she did, or at least tried to.

"So...you—" it was interrupted by the slow release of warm breath against Karlie's face – inches away, "—like me back?"

The tremulousness in her words had Karlie's heart clenching, her tongue finally untying itself to utter words of confirmation. "I do...yeah." Another gasp had her smiling against Taylor's thumb still pressed against her lips.

Green eyes opened to look into the depths of tentative blue ones at last. How had she been this blind to the feeling taking over the pits of her stomach whenever she looked at this breath-taking woman?

"O—okay..." Those eyes didn't lose their uneasy flickering, and Karlie knew this confirmation wasn't enough. But she had just come to a great revelation; her brain was nowhere near ready to make a full-blown speech or even ramble. Nevertheless, she let her actions speak for her while her mind recuperated from its short circuiting.

Karlie kissed and kissed the singer until they were both breathing a little too heavily, with arms circled firmly round slim waists and legs tangled enough for it to be hard to move, not that either of them wanted to, not when they had winning smiles on their faces after they broke apart for air. However, it was a less than ideal position to be in for a business call: which was what made Taylor's phone ring again. As seemed to be the developing pattern.

"H-hello?" Taylor answered, cursing the woman giggling adorably into her neck at the breathlessness of her voice.

"Taylor? Are you on your way?" Tree's concerned but cool tone sounded through the phone. The blue-eyed woman leaned into Karlie's continued touch even as she was gathering her words to respond more confidently.

"On my way, yep! Be there in five!"

The red-head sounded even more concerned then, "You're usually here much earlier than that. Is everything okay?"

Karlie finally let up on kissing down the singer's neck, her green rimmed eyes asking the same question silently.

Taylor nodded somewhat hesitantly, but the relieved smile on her face could not be mistaken in the least and relaxed the clenching around Karlie's heart.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now