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( a/n: So long so so long.
NOTE: There's some mature content in here, which you might not enjoy?I hope you do. Skim through it if you don't wanna read (hint: it's not kaylor)

Anyway, here's what happened. )


The sun was glaring down at Karlie when she landed at LAX with nothing but a backpack on her shoulder.

'I'm in LA.' She typed into her phone, texting Josh and letting him in on the surprise she hadn't planned until the day before.
He's going to flip, she thought, smiling to herself. They'd always argued about being away for work any way and Karlie had gotten the urge to change that at the last minute. She was still trying to figure out why.

Walking out of the terminal  a while later, she spotted someone who already knew of her arrival, holding a placard with "Kookie Kween" written on it. Karlie automatically grinned when she saw Derek Blasberg's mischievous face .

"Derek!" She exclaimed, waving at the well dressed man before quickening her pace to meet him in a hug.
"What's cooking, good looking?" Blasberg replied, putting his arms around the model to hold her tight. It had been a while since they'd gotten to hang out, but his LA assignment just so happened to align with Karlie's shoot, thanks to the last minute change the blonde had made. The man had texted her back immediately when the model had told him the previous night, insisting on picking her up at the airport.

"Oh nothing much, I'm just going to spend the day with this handsome guy from St. Louis." Kloss joked, earning a chuckle from the brown haired man.
"That's, most handsome man to you, Kloss." The model scoffed playfully, giving him her toothy grin before letting him walk them out of the airport towards his convertible.

"How very LA of you," remarked the blonde, rolling her eyes when the writer pressed a button to let the roof go down.
"I've gotta make the most of this beautiful weather, Karlie." Derek shot her a glare before handing her the keys.
"You drive, you'll see what I mean."

Karlie was surprised by the offer but she couldn't say no. After all, the LA weather was remarkable and it had been quite a while since she'd driven, the last time being when she visited her parents upstate, two weeks ago. Smirking at the older man, she confidently took the keys and walked over to the drivers seat.

The seat needed a bit of an adjustment due to her impressive height, but soon they were off in the gleaming black BMW with sun glasses shielding their eyes from the glare of the bright day. Karlie couldn't help but revel in the feeling of the wind against her face as they sped down the freeway towards Hollywood.

Derek wanted to stop at a spa of some sort before Karlie actually got to work, and the model agreed eagerly, having been deprived of a spa day for a while despite being a supermodel who got paid to take care of her body and mind.
She was having the best time at the recreational center, sipping on a Mojito by the pool when Josh's phone call helped her back to the reality of her situation.

"Oh girl don't answer that now!" Derek said, halting their conversation about her family and how much he'd missed them.
"Oh buzz off, Derek." She rolled his eyes at him, picking up the call with a little anticipation even though she only just realised how long it had taken for Josh to actually reply back. Never mind, she thought, holding the phone to her ear.

"Karlie? Are you really in LA? I thought your photo shoot wasn't until another week!" Her boyfriend's voice seemed happy enough to make the model smile in response.
"I just thought I would...make the effort to spend some time with you, since you're leaving the country soon..." answered the blonde, biting her lips while she waited for a response from the man who was clearly surrounded by a lot of people, judging from the background noises.

"Kaylor. I like that." ( Fanfiction ) UNFINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now